Final Review CS1652 Jack Lange University of Pittsburgh
Final r Friday 14th: 12-2PM m This room r Not Cumulative r One page of notes 2
3 Chapter 4: Network Layer r Network layer service model r Forwarding vs. Routing r IP addressing, NAT & DHCP r Router architecture r Routing algorithms r Handling scale - CIDR and BGP r ICMP, traceroute
4 Network layer service model r Unreliable, connectionless data delivery m Q: is UDP more reliable than IP? m Q: do TCP packets receive more special treatment than UDP packets? r Host-to-host packet delivery m Q: Difference from transport layer? r All systems implement network layer m End systems + routers m Q: Why not routers implement transport layer?
5 Forwarding vs. Routing r Definition? r Switch vs. router? r How routing affects forwarding? r Routing algorithms m Intradomain routing algorithms Distance vector, Link state m Interdomain routing algorithms BGP r Longest prefix match
6 IP addressing, DHCP and NAT r 32-bit IPv4 address m Subnet part + host part m Subnet part is used for forwarding decision r CIDR m Subnet portion can be an arbitrary size m Why CIDR? IP allocation efficiency & supernetting r DHCP m How it works? Where is it useful? r NAT m Pros. and Cons.
IP datagram format ver length 32 bits data (variable length, typically a TCP or UDP segment) 16-bit identifier header checksum time to live 32 bit source IP address IP protocol version number header length (bytes) max number remaining hops (decremented at each router) for fragmentation/ reassembly total datagram length (bytes) upper layer protocol to deliver payload to head. len type of service “type” of data flgs fragment offset upper layer 32 bit destination IP address Options (if any) E.g. timestamp, record route taken, specify list of routers to visit. how much overhead with TCP? r 20 bytes of TCP r 20 bytes of IP r = 40 bytes + app layer overhead 7
4-8 Router Architecture Two key router functions: r Run routing algorithms/protocol (RIP, OSPF, BGP) r Forwarding datagrams from incoming to outgoing link
9 Routers r Input ports (line cards) m Forwarding table lookup – line speed m Queuing packets if switching fabric is busy Head-of-line blocking? r Switching fabric m Via memory, bus, special interconnection r Output ports m Buffering & scheduling
10 Link state algorithm r Broadcast local link info to all routers r Dijkstra’s algorithm m Greedy algorithm m Compute the least cost path to every node m Each loop finds at least one node whose least cost path is found m Algorithm complexity? O(nlogn) m Oscillation problem
11 Distance vector algorithm r Distribute one’s view of network to neighbors r Bellman-ford algorithm m Dynamic programming m Asynchronous update r Problem? m Count-to-infinity & routing loops m Possible solution?
12 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) r Autonomous System (AS) m AS number – 16 bit id r BGP contains full path from src to dest AS m AS PATH – list of AS numbers r How to prevent routing loops? r Hot potato routing? m One reason for routing path asymmetry r How to deliver a packet from one AS to another? m Intradomain (Intra-AS) routing m Interdomain routing m Forwarding table (FIB)
13 Chapter 5: Link Layer r Delivering frames to a direct neighbor r Error detection and correction r Sharing a broadcast channel r Reliable data transfer & flow control m Hop-by-hop vs. end-to-end
14 Error detection & correction r Parity checking m Single bit vs. two-dimentional bit parity m Odd/even parity r Internet checksum – IP/TCP layer m Why is error checking needed in the upper layer? r Cyclic Redunancy Check (CRC) m CRC32 is widely used (e.g., Ethernet)
15 Multiple Access Protocol r How to share a broadcasting media m Medium Acccess Control (MAC) protocol r Channel Partitioning r Random Access r Taking turns
16 Random Access Protocol r Slotted ALOHA m Fixed time slot – synchronized m If collision, retransmit with a probability of p for each slot r ALOHA m No slot synchronization r CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA m CSMA – sense carrier before sending m CD – detect collision while sending and cancel it m CA – avoid collision by getting the permission first r Ethernet and Wi-Fi?
17 MAC addresses r Ethernet: 48-bit MAC addresses m Burned into hardware m Globally uniquely assigned m Why not use MAC address instead of IP? r Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) m Determining MAC address with IP address m ARP table = m Broadcasting mechanism (make sure to know!)
18 Ethernet & Switch r Access protocol: CSMA/CD m Old Ethernet hub used to share the access m Understand the exponential back-off algorithm m Most current devices are switches m Connectionless, unreliable r Frame format m Preamble, 2 MAC address, type, data, CRC32 r Switch m Make sure you understand self-learning algorithm
19 Chapter 6: Wireless r Difference from wired environment m Signal attenuation m Hidden terminal problem m Interference from other sources (phone, microwave) r SNR (Signal-to-Noise ratio) m The larger, the better m BER (Bit error rate) r CDMA
20 Wi-Fi r Access protocol : CSMA/CA m Reserve the channel first before sending m No collision detection – why? m Understand the sending protocol r Access Point(AP) m Link layer device (may run DHCP) m Passive/Active scanning for association r frame format m Why we need three MAC addresses?
21 Chapter 7: Multimedia r Quality of service guarantee m Providing performance guarantee required by app m Current Internet does not directly support it r Delay sensitive, loss tolerant application m Video streaming vs. ? m What is jitter? r Multimedia application m Stored streaming m Live streaming m Real-time interactive
22 Internet Phone, CDN r Internet phone m Network loss vs. delay loss r Content distribution networks (CDNs) m Definition? m DNS redirection for finding the near server?