CARSON-NEWMAN COLLEGE What is Information Literacy ?
Learning how to research effectively is a key element in preparing for your liberal arts education. This Library component of your LA 101 class will teach you how to do college research and become information literate. Don’t worry if you have no idea what that means – we’ll get to that in a second. To make things easier, we’ve broken the topics into 6 units that you will complete over the course of the semester. You will learn: Unit 1: Introduction to Information Literacy and Pre-Test Unit 2:Getting started in College Research Unit 3:Developing a Search Statement Unit 4:Finding Books in the C-N Library Catalog Unit 5:Finding Articles in a C-N Database Unit 6:Using and Evaluating Web Pages What are these library units, anyway ? After completing each module, you will have a quiz to see what you have learned.
What is “information,” really? Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says: in·for·ma·tion (noun) (1): the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence (2): knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction Okay, let ’s get started. The definition is correct, but boring, right? But information is definitely not boring! Instead, think about it this way….
Information is Everywhere! You find and use information every day …without even thinking about it. Or maybe you need to find online hints to improve your skills for your favorite game… Maybe you’re buying a new computer, and want to compare Macs to PCs… Or maybe you’re planning a Spring Break trip and need to track down the cheapest airfare…
Information is complicated ! Did those activities sound familiar? They’re all RESEARCH activities, and the things you find are INFORMATION. When you think about how much information you can find in the world, it can be a little… Watch the upcoming video, and think about how complicated information actually is… overwhelming.
Be information literate ! Okay, so information is everywhere, and it’s complicated… And you use information every single day… And you will search for information in every class you take at Carson-Newman… And you will search for information after you graduate and begin your career… …So what’s the best way to deal with all that information without going crazy? But…what is information literacy, anyway? Watch this next short video to find out. Become information literate.
Information is everywhere and is complicated Information comes from many different types of sources such as newspapers, the internet, magazines, and books. Information must always be evaluated to see if it meets your information need Information must also be evaluated to make sure it is reliable and accurate To successfully evaluate information you must be information literate. A quick review...
Information overload ? You don’t have to be a victim of information overload. Follow these Library units throughout your LA 101 course, and you will be ready to take on information … Not just for the rest of your time in college… But also for your career and your life.
Now you’re ready to learn where and how to search for the different types of resources used in college research. What’s Next: Unit 2: Getting Started in College Research Unit 3: Developing a Search Statement Unit 4: Finding Books in the C-N Library Catalog Unit 5: Finding Articles in a C-N Database Unit 6: Using and Evaluating Web Pages Coming up...
Need help? Ask a Librarian! The C-N Reference Librarians are here and ready to help with any questions you may have. Call, Click, or Visit! Ms. Kelli Mrs. Lew Our offices are on the main floor of the Library. One more thing...