This is me Hello I am Lucrezia Candotti, I am an italian girl and I’ m fifteen years old. I love listen music, play the piano and go out with my friends.
My school I attend school in Colle val d' Elsa. I study maths, english, science and latin. I love spending my times with my classmates, they are outgoing and friendly
My sweet family In my family there are four people: my mum Laura, my dad Roberto, my sister Ginevra and me. We love spend lots of times all togheter with trip on mountains.
My “sister” I have got a best friend, her name is Giulia, she is like a sister for me. I known her since my mother was pregnant. We spend lots of time toghether. We love take photoes and go out with her dog.
My best friend My best friend’ s name are Giulia, Elisabetta and Valentina, they are sixteen years old. We known since we was baby. I love spend my free times with their. When we are toghether we watch horror’ s films and we make silly videos.
My interest I love palying piano and guitar. I study guitar since eight years. I study piano too, from one month. I like playing volleyball with my team and in my free time I watch films like “Harry Potter” and “Lol”