SKELETAL SYSTEM Prepared by: Mr. Shoup
Skeletal System Know 4 of the 6 Six Purposes for the Skeletal System 1. Support 2. Movement with muscle function 3. Shape 4. Marrow-Yellow/Red Red/White Blood Cells 5. Protection-Flat bone 6. Storage of minerals- Ex: calcium
Examples for the four type of bones
Long Bones Movement Have a body longer than it is wide Have a hard outer casing with spongy bone in the center Bones such as the Femur, Humerus Short Bones Compact/Force Are roughly as wide as they are long Contain large amounts of bone marrow to make blood cells. Bones such as the fingers, carpals and tarsals in the wrist and foot. Flat Bones Strong, flat pieces of bone Their main functions are protection and muscle attachment. Bones such as the cranium (skull) and scapula (shoulder blade),hip, ribs, sternum. Irregular Bones Do not fit into any of the other categories and often have an unusual shape Bones such as the Vertebrae, Sacrum and Mandible. vertebrae-Partial Movable joint. Types of Bones Bones are classified into four groups:
Skeletal System
Smallest Bone-Ear-Stirrup Largest Bone-Femur-Thigh bone Ligaments- Attaches bone to bone Tendons- Attaches muscle to bone Cartilage-connective tissue found in between the bone. Shock Absorber
Test-Bones to Know -Pelvis Do not need to know
Label of bones
Fractures Identify a bone breakBone Facts Hear a snap 100,000 artificial hips Grinding noise 50,000 knee replacements Unusual motion 15,000-20,000 fingers Swelling Tenderness See bone
Six Type of Joints Ball and Socket Hip Shoulder
Hinge Joints Knees Elbow Finger joint
Pivot Joints Forearm 1 st & 2 nd vertebrae
Gliding Joints
Fixed-Immovable Suture Joint Skull
Saddle Thumb
Review of joints for test questions:
Disorders Simple Fracture: Hairline fracture A simple bone fracture is one of the better types of fractures as there is only bone damage with little or no soft tissue damage and the broken bone ends do not penetrate the skin.
Compound Fracture Broken into two parts When this occurs, the bone breaks and fragments of the bone will penetrate through the internal soft tissue of the body and may break through the skin from the inside. There is a high rise of infection if external pathogenic factors enter into the interior of the body
Disorders Osteoporosis-bone density loss Osteoporosis is a term that means "porous bones." It is a skeletal disease affecting women and men. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones have lost minerals—especially calcium—making them weaker, more brittle, and susceptible to fractures. 30% of population 1 out of 4 girls Who’s at greatest risk? Women 4xs greater risk Age-the longer we live the greater the risk Thin, Petite females Early menopause Eating disorder female-Anorexia, Bulimia Diet-Lack of calcium in diet Race-Caucasians and Asians than blacks Physical activity Eating Disorders-Anorexia Heredity Cigarette smoking Alcohol abuse Some medications
Disorders Arthritis-determination of the joint or tissue around the joint area Dislocation-bone goes out of the socket ACL-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Orthopedic- bone surgeon
Back Disorders Scoliosis S-Shape to vertebrae, lateral curvature Untreated: crowding of internal organs, curvature to the uterus, arthritis Lordosis Swayback-anterior curvature Weak abdominal muscles, lower back pain Kyphosis Hunchback Posterior curvature Rounding of shoulders, upper back muscles stretch.
Sprain vs a Strain Sprain-overstretched or torn ligament
Strain Overstretched Muscle or Tendon