Single Jeopardy Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
Single Jeopardy Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Meds The Eyes The Kidneys The Gut The Blood
Topic I100Question Drug used to treat Methemoglobinemia
Topic I100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Methylene Blue
Topic I200Question Drug of choice for Familial Mediterranean Fever
Topic I200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Colchicine
Topic I300Question Antibiotics most associated with diaphragm paralysis
Topic I300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Gentamycin
Topic I400Question Side effects include pericardial effusion, hypertrichosis, and thrombocytopenia
Topic I400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Minoxidil
Topic I500Question Addition of ferric chloride to urine producing a purplish color suggests the ingestion of this substance
Topic I500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Aspirin
Topic II100Question Unilateral large pupil with low reaction to light&accomodation
Topic II100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Adie’s Pupil
Topic II200Question Aphthous stomatitis, Uveitis, and genital ulcerations
Topic II200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Behcet’s disease
Topic II300Question The most common malignant eye tumor
Topic II300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Melanoma
Topic II400Question Heritable disease associated with blue sclera, hearing loss and brittle bones
Topic II400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Sudden loss of vision called Purtscher’s retinopathy is seen in this Topic II500Question
Topic II500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Acute pancreatitis
Renal tubular acidosis with hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism Topic III100Question
Topic III100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Type IV RTA
Flat hexagonal plate-like urine crystals Topic III200Question
Topic III 200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Cysteine
The most common glomerulopathy in the world Topic III300Question
Topic III300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy IgA nephropathy
Livido reticularis, Eosinophilia, and rising creatinine Topic III400Question
Topic III400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Cholesterol Emboli
Treatment of Liddle’s syndrome Topic III500Question
Topic III500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Triamterene or Amiloride
Perihepatitis & PID Topic IV100Question
Topic IV100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Fitz-Hugh-Curtis
Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria, and acidosis Topic IV200Question
Topic IV200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy VIPoma
Drug used to treat fistulizing Crohn’s disease Topic IV300Question
Topic IV300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Infliximab
Organism associated with chronic diarrhea and eosinophelia in AIDS patients Topic IV400Question
Topic IV400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Isospora Belli
Bacteremia with this organism is associated with colon cancer (not S.bovis!) Topic IV500Question
Topic IV500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Clostridum Septicum
Protein deficient in the Protien deficient in the cytoskeleton of red blood cell in patients with hereditary spherocytosis Topic V100Question
Topic V100Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Spectrin
Most common inherited hypercoagulation disorder Topic V200Question
Topic V200Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Factor V Leiden mutation
All-transretinoic acid has revolutionized the treatment of this disorder Topic V300Question
Topic V300Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia
Glycoprotien complex that is deficient in Glanzmann’s disease Topic V400Question
Topic V400Answer Go To Single Jeopardy IIb-IIIa
Hydroxyuria works in SS by increasing the levels of this protien Topic V500Question
Topic V500Answer Go To Single Jeopardy Hg F
Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Skin The LUNGS Elements Physical Diagnosis The Glands
Topic VI200Question
Topic VI200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Carbuncle
Topic VI400Question
Topic VI400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Black Hairy Tongue
Topic VI600Question
Topic VI600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
Topic VI800Question
Topic VI800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Amyloidosis
Topic VI1000Question
Topic VI1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Blastomycosis
Term given to dyspnea which occur only in the upright position Topic VII200Question
Topic VII200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Platypnea
The name of the disturbance given to pts with primary alveolar hypoventilation who suffer from apnea during sleep Topic VII400Question
Topic VII400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Ondine’s Curse
Rheumatoid arthritis & progressive massive fibrosis first described in coal miners Topic VII600Question
Topic VII600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Caplan’s Syndrome
Diagnosis in a 30 yo female with a h/o spontaneous ptx now presenting with chylous effusion Topic VII800Question
Topic VII800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Lymphangioleiomatosis
The pulmonary form of this disease occurs in young adults and is associated with a classic triad of exopthalmos, diabetes insipidus, and bony lesions Topic VII1000Question
Topic VII1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Hand-Shuller-Christian disease
Deficiency of this element causes gonadal atrophy, severe dermatitis, and alopecia Topic VIII200Question
Topic VIII 200 Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Zinc
Deficiency of this element causes cardiomyopathy, proximal muscle weakness, macrocytosis, and pseudoalbanism Topic VIII 400 Question
Topic VIII 400 Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Selenium
Toxicity of this element causes basophilic stippling on peripheral smear Topic VIII 600 Question
Topic VIII 600 Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Lead
Miners of this mineral get parkinson’s disease Topic VIII 800 Question
Topic VIII 800 Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Manganese
Poisoning with this heavy metal leads to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and burning sensation in the mucous membranes Topic VIII 1000 Question
Topic VIII1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Arsenic
Two murmurs which get louder with Valsalva maneuver Topic IX200Question
Topic IX200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy MVP HCM
Profuse reddish eruption on palms and soles seen in endocarditis Topic IX400Question
Topic IX400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Janeway lesion
An alternating flushing and paling of the skin at the root of the nail while pressure is applied to the top of the nail Topic IX600Question
Topic IX600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Quincke’s pulse
Topic IX800Question High pitched, early diastolic sound which is usualy due to stenosis of the AV valve
Topic IX800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Opening Snap
A third heart sound heard with constrictive pericarditis Topic IX1000Question
Topic IX1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Pericardial Knock
The most common thyroid cancer Topic X200Question
Topic X200Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Papillary Carcinoma
Hypogonadic hypogonadism, anosmia, and color blindness Topic X400Question
Topic X400Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Kallman Syndrome
Presence of bloody nasal discharge and facial pain in a pt with DKA should prompt evaluation for this Topic X600Question
Topic X600Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Mucormycosis
These tumors usualy occur in childhood, arising from remnants of “Rathke’s pouch” Topic X800Question
Topic X800Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Craniopharyngioma
Necrolytic migratory erythema with glucose intolerance, weight loss, and diarrhea Topic X1000Question
Topic X1000Answer Go To Double Jeopardy Glucagonoma
Final Jeopardy Category Tropical Medicine
Final Jeopardy Vector of Leishmaniasis
Final Jeopardy Sand flies