171. 2 Course Objectives Discuss fundamental concepts of information technology Show how computers are used as practical tools for solving personal, business,


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2 Course Objectives Discuss fundamental concepts of information technology Show how computers are used as practical tools for solving personal, business, and academic problems Demonstrate computer skills using Windows XP, Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint

173 Textbooks CSI 113 *TITLE:Exercises Using Microsoft Application (REQ) 5th Edition AUTHOR: Renz PUBLISHER: McGraw-Hill-Irwin ISBN: (May be shrink-wrapped with the next one) * TITLE: Using Information Technology (REQ) 5th Edition AUTHOR: Williams; Sawyer PUBLISHER:McGraw-Hill- Irwin ISBN: CSI 110 Computing Essentials 2005, Introductory Edition Course: Timothy O’Leary, & Linda O’Leary; Mc Graw Hill – Irwin, ISBN Microsoft Office 2003 Word  Excel  Access  PowerPoint  Outlook  Publisher. Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark, Thomson/Course Technology, ISBN

174 Grading – How do I get an A? Grades are EARNED not GIVEN 1100 points possible in the course, or a percentage of the total points 5 lab exercises (points vary) 325 points 8 quizzes (high 7, 15 pts each) 105 points 3 lab skills assessments (50 pts each) 150 points 8 FITness Exercises (15 pts each) 120 points Midterm 100 points Final 200 points Total1000 points

175 Attendance Policy Attendance is required Students arriving late or leaving early may be counted as absent Penalty applies after the third absence – see syllabus

176 Lecture Read assigned material in Discovering Computers 2005 BEFORE coming to class Lecture notes provided that coincide with the PowerPoint presentation Note: Outlines may not exactly match the presentation

177 Lab Exercises 325 points Windows XP/ – 50 Word – 75 PowerPoint – 50 Excel – 75 Access – 75 Bring lab book on lab days

178 Quizzes Quizzes – 25 points 4 quizzes, lowest dropped 25 points each Taken in the lab on the computer – during the first 15 minutes of lab Format – T/F & M/C NO MAKE UP QUIZZES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL A missed quiz receives a grade of zero (0)

179 Midterm and Final Midterm – 100 points Final – 200 points – Comprehensive Taken in the lecture hall Format – Combination of T/F, Multiple Choice, Matching, Fill-in, Short Answer

1710 Lab Exercises See syllabus/course schedule for due dates and lab presentation requirements Detailed instructions will be handed out for each lab assignment One letter grade deduction for each week late – not accepted after the third week late Deductions for not following lab presentation instructions

1711 Lab Skills Assessments Purpose – to assess skills learned in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 50 points each Given during lab period Missed lab assessment receives a grade of zero No make-up lab assessments unless prior arrangements made with instructor

1712 FITness Exercises 5 Lab Exercises, 20 points eachLab Exercises Goal – to utilize technology to enhance learning about technology Standard format – download from the Web site and print NO LATE Lab EXERCISES

1713 Other information and policies No food or drink is permitted in the classroom or the computer lab Turn off pagers and cell phones If you have a disability and need special accommodations, contact your instructor If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain information about the covered material from another student

1714 Other information and policies Behave with courtesy and respect Academic Integrity Policy – College Catalog, pp Cheating will not be tolerated If you cannot complete the course, make sure you formally withdraw Expect to work outside of class Record your scores on the Score Calculation Sheet in your syllabus Keep all graded papers in case there is a discrepancy in your grade

1715 What is cheating? Webster’s definition: Cheat: 1 a : to practice fraud or trickery b : to violate rules dishonestly (as at cards or on an examination) …we can add more examples for this course to be perfectly clear

1716 What is cheating? Sharing disks for lab assignments or FITness Exercises You may help each other in lab, but the final product must be YOUR OWN Looking at someone’s paper, Scantron ®, or screen during a quiz or exam Writing notes/answers on hand, paper, or anything else Text messaging during test Any others?