Technology Portfolio Kimberly Pierce May 08, 2008
Table of Contents Teacher Information Role of Technology ISTE and Idaho Standards – Technology Operations and Concepts Technology Operations and Concepts – Planning/designing Learning Environments Planning/designing Learning Environments – Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum – Assessment and Evaluation Assessment and Evaluation – Productivity and Professional Practice Productivity and Professional Practice – Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues Future Technology Goals
Teacher Information High school English May 2010 Former assistant Instructor for RyuKyu Kempo. Students are expected to come to class prepared with readings and materials, as well as fully participate in all classroom discussions and activities.
Role of Technology Technology will play an important role in my classroom. I believe that students should be able to access information given in class from anywhere, especially if they are absent. By posting copies of handouts and assignments online, students are able to hold themselves accountable for their assignments and stay up-to-date on their work. I also believe that students should have the opportunity to collaborate with one another online, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to do so in person outside of the classroom. As English students, it is also important that students are able to conduct research online regarding essays, criticism, and so forth.
ISTE and Idaho Standards This portfolio is organized according to the six National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers developed by the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) and the Idaho beginning teacher standards. The following standards are covered with artifacts linked for each area: – Technology Operations and Concepts Technology Operations and Concepts – Planning/designing Learning Environments Planning/designing Learning Environments – Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum – Assessment and Evaluation Assessment and Evaluation – Productivity and Professional Practice Productivity and Professional Practice – Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues
Idaho - Standard 1: Knowledge of Subject Matter - The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline taught and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. The teacher understands the relationship between the discipline and basic technology operations and concepts. The teacher utilizes the Idaho Achievement Standards to identify appropriate content. The teacher models new technologies and integrates them into instruction. The teacher models technologies and integrates them into instruction. ISTE - I. Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. ISTE - I. Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): WebQuest Lesson PlanWebQuest Lesson Plan Back to School Night PowerPoint PresentationBack to School Night PowerPoint Presentation Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): WebQuest Lesson PlanWebQuest Lesson Plan Back to School Night PowerPoint PresentationBack to School Night PowerPoint Presentation
My own experiences as a student have witnessed the importance of presentation software, as used in the Back to School Night PowerPoint Presentation. But technology usage in the classroom goes far beyond slideshows. By creating my WebQuest Lesson Plan, I was able to incorporate many aspects of technology in an interesting and meaningful way for students to learn about their subject matter in accordance with Idaho Content Standards. Reflection - ISTE - I. Technology Operations and Concepts
Idaho - Standard 6: Communication Skills - The teacher uses a variety of communication techniques to foster inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in and beyond the classroom. The teacher knows how to use a variety of communication tools (e.g., audio-visual technology, computers, and the Internet) to support and enrich learning opportunities. ISTE – II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. ISTE – II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Class Newsletter/BrochureClass Newsletter/Brochure NETS PlanNETS Plan Individuals with Disabilities Assignment Individuals with Disabilities Assignment JournalJournal Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Class Newsletter/BrochureClass Newsletter/Brochure NETS PlanNETS Plan Individuals with Disabilities Assignment Individuals with Disabilities Assignment JournalJournal
I find that communication through technology is an essential part of this generation’s educational process. By allowing students the opportunity to conduct research online, they are able to access a vast amount of resources. Providing a class website or another means of relating information online is essential to ensure all students and parents are receiving the necessary information. Class newsletters, while a bit outdated, can still serve as helpful communication tools. Reflection - ISTE – II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments
Idaho - Standard 4: Multiple Instructional Strategies - The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to develop students’ critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. The teacher knows how to enhance learning through the use of a wide variety of materials, human resources, and technology. The teacher uses a variety of instructional tools and resources (e.g., computers, audio-visual technologies, new technologies, local experts, primary documents and artifacts, text, reference books, literature, and other print documents). ISTE – III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. ISTE – III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Curricular Spreadsheet Lesson Plan & Interactive SpreadsheetCurricular Spreadsheet Lesson Plan Interactive Spreadsheet Curricular Presentation Lesson Plan & Corresponding SlideshowCurricular Presentation Lesson PlanCorresponding Slideshow Interactive Learning Websites Interactive Learning Websites Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Curricular Spreadsheet Lesson Plan & Interactive SpreadsheetCurricular Spreadsheet Lesson Plan Interactive Spreadsheet Curricular Presentation Lesson Plan & Corresponding SlideshowCurricular Presentation Lesson PlanCorresponding Slideshow Interactive Learning Websites Interactive Learning Websites
Interactive learning resources are important tools for any age group. Allowing students to review for tests online and complete interactive activities allows them to measure their own progress and review their weak points. By incorporating technology such as slideshows with audio/video portions, students are introduced to a variety of mediums to collect information from. Reflection - ISTE – III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
Idaho - Standard 8: Assessment of Student Learning - The teacher understands, uses, and interprets formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and advance student performance and to determine program effectiveness. The teacher knows how to apply technology to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation strategies. The teacher utilizes technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. ISTE – IV. Assessment and Evaluation Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. ISTE – IV. Assessment and Evaluation Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Excel Gradebook Exercise Excel Gradebook Exercise Interactive Learning SpreadsheetInteractive Learning Spreadsheet Rubric Online Quiz Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Excel Gradebook Exercise Excel Gradebook Exercise Interactive Learning SpreadsheetInteractive Learning Spreadsheet Rubric Online Quiz Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Excel Gradebook Exercise Excel Gradebook Exercise Interactive Learning SpreadsheetInteractive Learning Spreadsheet RubricRubric Online QuizOnline Quiz Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Excel Gradebook Exercise Excel Gradebook Exercise Interactive Learning SpreadsheetInteractive Learning Spreadsheet RubricRubric Online QuizOnline Quiz
Excel spreadsheets allow for instructors to view and analyze their students’ progress in a variety of way, whether through a simple grade book form, charts, graphs, or averages. Utilizing these tools provides a means for instructors to evaluate their own teaching methods in comparison to their overall effectiveness in the classroom. Reflection - ISTE – IV. Assessment and Evaluation
Idaho - Standard 9: Professional Commitment and Responsibility - The teacher is a reflective practitioner who demonstrates a commitment to professional standards and is continuously engaged in purposeful mastery of the art and science of teaching. The teacher uses technology to enhance productivity and professionalism. ISTE – V. Productivity and Professional Practice Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. ISTE – V. Productivity and Professional Practice Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice.. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): List of Professional WebsitesList of Professional Websites List of Subject Area websitesList of Subject Area websites Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): List of Professional WebsitesList of Professional Websites List of Subject Area websitesList of Subject Area websites
There is an endless amount of information available online for instructors of all subjects and grade levels. From lesson plans to professional resources, it is there and ready to use. By taking time to prepare for lessons and utilize these resources, one becomes a more educated educator and is able to provide more for their students. Reflection - ISTE – V. Productivity and Professional Practice Reflection - ISTE – V. Productivity and Professional Practice
Idaho - Standard 10: Partnerships – The teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ learning and well-being. The teacher understands the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in schools. ISTE – VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply that understanding to practice. ISTE – VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply that understanding to practice.. Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Ethical Use of Technology WebsitesEthical Use of Technology Websites Classroom Netiquette RulesClassroom Netiquette Rules Links to artifacts that demonstrate this standard (i.e.): Ethical Use of Technology WebsitesEthical Use of Technology Websites Classroom Netiquette RulesClassroom Netiquette Rules
In our day and age, it is crucial to maintain a high level of online safety – personal and professional. Therefore it is important to lay out ground rules for students to protect their identities. As an instructor, another critical concern is plagiarizing online sources, even if it is unintentional. Therefore, one must be well informed about the issues surrounding the proper use of technology. Reflection - ISTE – VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues
Future Technology Goals I envision my classroom to be one that integrates technology in to its daily activities. For English students, who often write papers, it is crucial that computers be readily available to them, either in the classroom itself, or in a lab, for the purpose of research and word processing. As an instructor, I will use the internet as a resource for my classroom to find or create media and interactive activities to enhance my students learning. The skills that I have gained from taking this course will only serve to broaden the possibilities that will exist in my classroom.