Welcome to Back-to-School Night Mr. Hernandez Eighth Grade Math & Science
Materials 27 folders with brads & sleeves – 1 per chapter per subject Homework sheet protector Lined Paper and Graph Paper 2 Sharpened Pencils 2 Pens (Black or Blue) Highlighter 2 Correcting Pens (Red) Composition Books Class Workbooks
Grading 10 % - Homework 15 % - Class Work 30 % - Quizzes 45 % - Tests A = 90 – 100% B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79% D = 60 – 69% F = 0 – 59%
If you’re absent… *You have one week to complete all assignments that were missed while you were out. Any assignment not complete by the due date will be scored as past due. Collect work from absent area. Complete all assignments on absent sheet. Absent Tests/Quizzes- come before school or on Thursday after school to make up.
If you’re absent…
Math Warm-up/ Journals Review Guided Practice/ Notes/Beginning of Homework Hands-On Critical Thinking Activity Projects per chapter: *Review for Mastery Workbook *Latte Word Problems Assessments per chapter: *Free Response *Multiple Choice (open note) *Word Problems (open note) High School Honors level pacing… One Lesson Per Day.
Honors Letters of Recommendation for High School… Maintain at least a B average in mathematics throughout the year. Perform proficient/advanced on district benchmarks. Contribute to a positive classroom environment. Strive to go above and beyond their peers both in class and out.
Science Read a section Take notes Side Bars Lab Demonstration or Small Group Activity Section Reviews Section Quiz (open note, open book) Projects per chapter: *Study Guide B Workbook *Laboratory Experiments Assessments per chapter: *Multiple Choice, free response, matching, short answer, essay 8 th Grade Pacing… Two Days Per Lesson
Citizenship Behavior in class Behavior on campus Amount of missing assignments
Homework Math Lesson Quiz/Reinforcement (M-F) Latte Word Enrichment Problems (Project)* Math Study Guide end of each chapter) Review for Mastery Workbook (Project)* Science Section Quiz/Reinforcement (M-F) Science Interactive Reader (M-F) SGB Notes (Project)* Study Guide per Science (2 weeks) Total of one hour for both Math and Science *Projects will be assigned, however, are ongoing. Due dates will be posted on Tweb.
Weekly Grade Checks Complete Thursday evening and Due Friday morning Found in Pack Planners *May receive a phone call on Friday if it’s NOT complete.
Extra Credit Opportunities Math Interactive Practice Quiz- complete an IPQ with 100% and earn 10 points extra credit. Be sure to print out the page and write your name at the top right-hand corner (example; 4 IPQ’s is worth 40 points extra credit). IPQ’s are due by the day of the test for that chapter. Look on TWeb for these dates on the year-long calendar. Interactive Practice Test- complete an IPT with a minimum score of 85% and earn 10 percentage points towards your free response chapter test. Science Lesson Power Points- create a power point for a lesson we are covering and earn 10 points extra credit. You have until the day of that chapter’s test to complete any one or more PPT’s. Both Class Supplies- 5 points per item. Thank you -Tissue-Hard Candy -Whiteboards -Clorox Wipes-Whiteboard Pens -Hand Soap
Grade Level Standards Can be found under the parents’ section on the ESD home page.
Schedule Notes P.E. and Electives ~ 8:10 – 9:50 Pack ~ 9:50 – 10:30 C.O.R.E. a.m. ~ 10:30 – 12:20 Lunch ~ 12:20 – 12:50 C.O.R.E. p.m. ~ 12:50 – 2:30 *Doctor appointments work best prior to 10:30am.
On-Line Textbooks Math and Science textbook Username ~ egrade 16 Password ~ u7k9
Classroom Discipline Renaissance Rewards Student-of-the-Month Rewards Birthdays End-of-the-Year Activities Parent/Teacher Conferences Stuff
Teacher Web teacherweb.com Newsflash Review Games Homework Grades Documents
Fundraisers DCIS Nights Out Magazine/Treat Fundraiser E3 Foundation Run E3 Golf Tournament