Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia SURVEY “STRUCTURE OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURES OF ECONOMIC SUBJECTS” Belgrade, 06/10/2015
/ / Represents the most comprehensive business survey conducted by Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia Conducted by interviewing method in the period from 2 nd April to 29 th June 2012 Recruited are about 400 interviewers chosen in a public competition and about 100 controllers from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia The questionnaire is filled in by the interviewer in cooperation with the accountant of the business entity INTRODUCTORY REMARKS
/ / SUBJECT OF THE SURVEYSUBJECT OF THE SURVEY Structure of tangible and intangible costs and operating expenditures of economic subjects, their operating income and other value indicators of their operations in 2011 at the detailed level of the Classification of Products by Activity (СРА) The following data were collected: o Revenues from the sales of products o Revenues from the sales of commercial goods – resale of goods o Trade margin rate or the realized price difference o Revenues from the sales of productive and nonproductive services, including sub-contracting services o Costs of material – value of the used material inputs o Costs of productive and non-productive services o Stocks at the end of the accounting period
/ / SCOPE OF THE SURVEYSCOPE OF THE SURVEY The survey covered the following business entities: o Enterprises of all type of ownership, legal form and size o Non-profit institutions, social organizations, sociopolitical organizations, societies, associations, charities, trade unions and other legal entities that submit annual financial statements for the “other legal entities” o Budgetary users – direct and indirect (government bodies, public agencies, institutions, etc.) o Business entities providing financial services o Unincorporated enterprises
/ / SCOPE OF THE SURVEYSCOPE OF THE SURVEY ScopeType of business entitiesNumber of units Full scope Large incorporated enterprises493 Medium incorporated enterprises2138 Sample Small incorporated enterprises4454 Micro incorporated enterprises4875 Auxiliary financial institutions325 Non profit institutions1822 Unincorporated enterprises2000 Budgetary users1520 Total17627
/ / IMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEYIMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEY The survey has provided the data which enable observing the structures of the production processes’ inputs and outputs of all the activities of the national economy The share of trade turnover – income from sales of merchandise compared to the total operating income (the ratio between turnover from trading activities and total operating income excluding subsidies and donations received) For efficiency analysis by determinantion Ratio of total expenses to total income (including income from subsidies and donations)
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RESULTS OF THE SURVEYRESULTS OF THE SURVEY Presented are folowing results by industries and size of business entities, separately for large, medium, small and micro enterprises as well as for unicorporated enterprises: The most important groups of products and services in the structure of income – total and by size class The ratio between turnover from trading activities and total operating income Ratio of total expenses to total income
/ / IMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEYIMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEY In addition, the data that have been collected by this survey are the basis for the creation of initial Supply and Use Tables The Supply and Use Tables represent inevitable and irreplaceable tool for a sophisticated macroeconomic analysis, design, monitoring and evaluation of economic and structural policies They are of importance for the calculation of the “theoretic VAT” that helps in calculation of the contribution of each Member State to the EU budget while simultaneously observing the scale of the non-observed economy and tax evasion
/ / IMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEYIMPORTANCE OF THE SURVEY Supply tables show: The value of production of goods and services available for different forms of consumption How much domestic manufacturers produce certain groups of products and services, and how much the same products are imported Use tables show: What are the needs of the individual activities for certain inputs How much goods and services are consumed for production purposes and investments, and how much for the purposes of final consumption
/ / Contact Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia National Accounts Department Rade Ćirić tel: /256 Information and dissemination unit tel: Подржано од стране ЕУ