Stations September 19 th - September 23 rd
Project Overview Students have designed and created flip flops and bird feeders to sell at the Farmer’s Market. This week they are reflecting on their experience and graphing their results.
Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Choose a book from the bucket about business. 2.Be sure to check for one that is in your reading level. 3.Begin reading the book. 2.Tuesday 1.Continue reading your book of choice. 3.Wednesday 1.Continue reading, or finish your book. 4.Thursday 1.Finish reading your book choice and begin the Venn Diagram activity related to The Farmer’s Market 5.Friday 1.Complete your book choice and the Venn Diagram activity. Money, Money! Materials Needed Book on reading level related to businesses Venn Diagram Home Skills Compare/ Contrast Reading Project Connection Farmer’s Market Money Economics
Writing: Reflection Farmer’s Market Noise Level 1 1.Listen to Leaders read task list. 2.Gather all materials. 3.Think about our experience with the Farmer’s Market. 4.In your Station Journal, write a reflection that answers the following questions in detail: 1.What product did you make? 2.Were the products priced well? 3.What would you change about the products to make them better? 4.How many products do you think were sold at the market? 5.Did we sell needs or wants at the market? 6.How did our work at the Farmer’s Market help our community? 7.Would you do it again? Was it fun? 8.What did you learn during this project?. Skills Reflection Main Idea with Supporting Details What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Work with an adult You have more time during stations. Great! Continue the challenge project. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Writing Journal Graphic Organizer Pencil Computer Home Project Connection: Farmer’s Market Reflection
Self-Selected Reading / Accelerated Reader Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder.. Skills Reading fluency and comprehension SSR and AR points What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Choose another Book. You will have more time in stations. Great! Take the AR test and choose a more challenging book for your next test! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Computer Home
Working with Words Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Complete the activity to practice your new spelling words. 2.Paper is in the binder 2.Tuesday 1.ABC order with spelling and challenge words 3.Wednesday 1.“Where is the Word” 2.Use a dictionary to find each vocabulary word 4.Thursday 1.Spelling Practice- finish and turn in 5.Friday 1.TEST! Skills Short u and long u sounds Word meaning ABC Order Using a dictionary What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. Great! You can work on the challenge list! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed: 1.Vocab list 2.Flip Book 3.dictionary Home Project Connection: Economics
Math Journal Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Math Journal pages 27, 33 2.Tuesday 1.Math Journal pages 35, 36 3.Wednesday 1.Math Journal pages 37, 38 4.Thursday 1.Math Quiz 5.Friday 1.Math Journal pages 39,40 Extension Activity: If you have mastered your addition facts, you may work on subtraction! Skills Addition Facts Turn around facts Doubles What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You may attempt the challenge activity for Unit 1. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Math Journal Manipulatives Pencil Addition Fact Cards Home Project Connection: Adding and grouping for Farmer’s Market
Problem Solving Noise Level 1 Use the data sheet from the Farmer’s Market to create a bar graph of the items that were sold on Saturday. Your bar graph should include: 1.The number of flip flops sold 2.The number of bird feeders sold 3.Title 4.Label the x and y axis 5.Color Skills Creating a bar graph Data What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You will learn how to make a bar graph in Excel! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Data Sheet Graphing Paper Crayons Pencil Home Project Connection: Farmer’s Market Bar Graphs
Math Skill Application Noise Level 1 1.Day 1 1.Beat the Calculator 2.Reference Book page Day Addition Top It 2.Reference Book page 22 3.Day 4 1.Doubles or Nothing 2.Math Journal Page 29 3.Use Everyday Math cards 4.Day 5 1.Fact Triangles 1.Use Reference Book page 27 for directions. Skills Addition Facts Doubles Turn-Around Facts What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You may attempt the challenge activity for Unit 1. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Calculators Reference books EM cards Dominoes Home Project Connection: Addition Facts
Math Games Noise Level 0 1.Working independently and following our expectations for using a computer properly, you may complete the math game activity that is on the computer at the station. 2.Use your Everyday Math Card to Log In. 3.Be sure you are in 2 nd grade games unless you have been given permission to work ahead.. Skills Addition Facts Number Grid What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card Home Project Connection: Adding amounts for Farmer’s Market