Create easy, fast, FREE surveys or quizzes No clickers Works with Apple or Windows Can respond online or through Texting or Twitter
The “A” word
Like it – Hate It Gotta do it Might as well do it right Quantitative vs. Qualitative?
Large Sections (100+) Short Time Frame Need a good response rate Easily quantifiable results
Minute paper, Concept map, Clickers, etc.? Time consuming, subjective, not quantifiable Need something better
Library purchased Poll Everywhere Students can use laptops, tablets, or phones for immediate classroom polls Can also set up as an online survey
Short open-book survey (or quiz) Definite right or wrong answers Already have computers with them in class Include URL at the bottom of in-class exercise
Which database would you use to find a SWOT Analysis for a company? AnswerResponsesPercent Marketline % Hoover's86.30% Business Source Complete107.90% Ebsco10.80% Total126
72% Response rate 99% felt session was useful Each question answered correctly by at least 75% of respondents
Easy way to get good assessment results More objective data Can also collect open-ended responses Compare longitudinal data over time
Quick survey to evaluate this session Handout also available
Susan Hurst, Business Librarian Miami University 219A Laws Hall Oxford, OH