Quolls By Megan
Features I'm about 60cm long (including my long tail).I weigh roughly 1.3 kg. I'm slightly smaller then my mate. I have soft grey-brown-black fur with white spots. My tail is hairy with no spots. I have whiskers, a pink nose, black eyes, and a pointed snout, My short legs have pink clawed feet, I have big pinkish ears, and my belly fur is cream to white. The end of my tail is also whitish.
Where do I live? I'm most comfortable in Tasmania in grasslands,rain forest,alpine areas,scrub,and eucalyptus forests. I don't migrate. I live in Tasmania but NOT in south Australia. There are six species of me in Tasmania. I'm most comfortable in Tasmania in grasslands,rain forest,alpine areas,scrub,and eucalyptus forests. I don't migrate. I live in Tasmania but NOT in south Australia. There are six species of me in Tasmania.
What do I eat? I am considered a carnivore. I like to eat mostly insects like grubs and beetles. But my sharp teeth can get me rabbits,rats and mice. I sometimes scavenge carrion and eat fruit.
How my young are born My babies attach themselves to nipples within my pouch I can have from 5 to 18 young in a litter, but 6 will live after 2 days. This is because I only have 6 teats.
How are my young cared for? My babies live in my pouch. Afterwards as they get bigger they live on my back. They are protected by shallow folds on my belly. My relative, the spotted tail quoll has a true pouch. Other species have shallow folds of skin... like me
Who are your enemies I have many natural enemies like cats foxes and wild dogs. I manage to protect myself by hiding in burrows and logs and using my sharp teeth to scare off my enemies. I also rely on my nocturnal behaviors and quick speed.
Are you endangered? A rumour... about me being endangered no, no, no, no, no, I am only near threatened however Red foxes and cats do kill me. As well I experience habitat loss and then I have no home to raise my family.
credits baby quoll (nap time)\ zzzzz...yawn jpg lovejpg Yawwwn! quollhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Arcturus_averring_distribution_map.PNG quollhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Arcturus_averring_distribution_map.PNGhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Arcturus_averring_distribution_map.PNG cutie