1 High Energy Physics (HEP) Computing HyangKyu Park Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea 2008 Supercomputing & KREONET Workshop Ramada Hotel, JeJu,


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Presentation transcript:

1 High Energy Physics (HEP) Computing HyangKyu Park Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea 2008 Supercomputing & KREONET Workshop Ramada Hotel, JeJu, Oct. 16~18, 2008

High Energy Physics (HEP) High Energy Physics (HEP) is the study of the basic elements of matter and the forces acting among them. People have long asked, “What is the world made of ?” “What holds it together ?”

Major HEP Laboratories in the World US FNAL US BNL Europe CERN Germany DESY Japan KEK US SLAC

Major HEP Experiments No. of Collaborators No. of Countries Data Volume (comments) Belle (KEK, Japan) ~ Peta-Byte (end in~2010) CDF (FNAL,USA) ~ Peta-Byte (end in 2010) D0 (FNAL, USA) ~ Peta-Byte (end in 2010) CMS (CERN, Europe) ~200036~10 Peta-Byte/yr (start 2008) HEP collaborations are increasingly international.

CMS Computing

TOTEM LHCb: B-physics ALICE CMS Atlas Physicists 250+ Institutes 60+ Countries Challenges: Analyze petabytes of complex data cooperatively Harness global computing, data & network resources LHC-b Large Hadron Collider where the web was born

LHC started just Now !

9  “The CMS detector is essentially 100-megapixel digital camera that will take 40 M pictures/s of particle interaction.” by Dan Green.  The High Level Trigger farm writes RAW events with 1.5 MB at a rate of 150 Hz. 1.5 MB x 150/s x 10 7 s ≈ 2.3 Peta-Byte/yr

10 LEP & LHC in Numbers LEP (1989/2000) CMS (2008) Factor Nr. Electronic Channels   x 10 2 Raw data rate  100 GB  s  TB  s x 10 4 Data rate on Tape  1 MB  s  100 MB  s x 10 2 Event size  100 KB  1 MB x 10 Bunch Separation 22  s 25 ns x 10 3 Bunch Crossing Rate 45 KHz 40 MHz x 10 3 Rate on Tape 10 Hz 100 Hz x 10 Analysis 0.1 Hz (Z 0, W) Hz (Higgs) x 10 5 x 1000

11 The LHC Data Grid Hierarchy KNU ~2000 physicists, 40 countries ~10s of Petabytes/yr by 2010 ~1000 Petabytes in < 10 yrs?

12 Service and Data Hierarchy  Tier-0 at CERN – Data acquisition & reconstruction of raw data – Data Archiving (Tape & Disk storage) – Distribution of raw & recon data -> Tier-1 centers  Tier-1 – Regional & global serivces ASCC (Taiwan), CCIN2P3 (Lyon), FNAL (Chicago), GridKA (Kalsruhe), INFN-CNAF (Bologna), PIC (Barcelona), RAL (Oxford) – Data Archiving (Tape & Disk storage) – Reconstruction – Data Heavy Analysis  Tier-2 – ~40 sites (including Kyungpook National Univ.) – MC production – End-user Analysis (Local community use)

13 LCG_KNU LHC Computing Grid(LCG) Farms

14 Current Tier-1 Computing Resources Requirements by 2008 CPU: 2500 kSI2k Disk: 1.2 PB Tape: 2.8 PB WAN: At least 10 Gbps

15 Current Tier-2 Computing Resources Requirements by 2008 CPU: 900 kSI2k Disk: 200 TB WAN: At least 1 Gbps. 10 Gbps is recommended

16 CMS Computing in KNU KNU CPU (kSI2k)400 Disk Storage (TB) 117 -> 150 (12 of Disk Servers) Tape (TB)46 WAN (Gbps) 12 -> 20 Grid SystemLCG SupportHigh Energy CMS Computing RoleTier-2

17 TEIN2 North/ORIENT PH VN TH ID MY 45 3 x G(622M) North America (via TransPAC2) (via GLORIAD) EU M+1G 4 x 155 AU HK SG JP CN KR KREONET/ GLORIAD KR-CN KOREN/APII KR-JP APII/TEIN2, GLORIAD ( ) TEIN2 South G(2G) 10G Courtesy by Prof. D. Son and Dr. B.K. Kim

18 CMS Computing Activities in KNU  Running Tier-2  Participating in LCG Service Challenges, CSAs every year as Tier-2 – SC04 (Service Challenge): Jun. ~ Sep.,2006 – CSA06 (Computing, Software & Analysis): Sep. ~ Nov., 2006 – Load Test 07: Feb ~ Jun., 2007 – CSA07: Sep. ~ Oct., 2007 – Pre CSA08: Feb.,2008 – CSA08: May~June, 2008  Testing, Demonstrating, Bandwidth Challenging – SC05, SC06, SC07  Preparing physics analyses – RS Graviton search – Drell-Yan process study  Configured Tier3 and supporting Tier3’s (Konkuk U.)

19 CSA07 (Computing, Software & Analysis)  A “50% of 2008” data challenge of the CMS data handling – Schedule: July-Aug. (preparation), Sep. (CSA07 start)

CSA08 (Computing, Software & Analysis)

21 Summary of CSA 07

Transferred Data Volume from Tier-1 to KNU during CSA08

Job Submission Activity during CSA08 MIT DESY KNU Activity# of Sub. JobsSuccessSuccess Rate (%) Analysis7,9691, CCRCPG1,2354, Total9,2046,

Transferred Data Volume from Tier-1 to KNU

Job Submission Activity from Apr. to Oct. MIT DESY KNU System Upgrade Down time stem Activity# of Sub. JobsSuccessSuccess Rate (%) CCRCPG1,2351, JobRobot65,14049, Analysis13,3206, Production Total80,43458,

26 Configuring the Tier-3 with KonKuk University

27 Elements of Data Grid System  Data GRID Service (or Supported) Nodes: – glite-UI (User Interface) – glite-BDII (Berkeley Database Information Index) – glite-LFC_mysql (LCG file catalog) – glite-MON (Monitor) – glite-PX (Proxy server) – glite-SE_dcache (Storage Element) – glite-RB (Resource Broker, Job management) – glite-CE_torque (Computing element)  Worker node: data process and computation  Storage Element (File server): Store a large amount of data. 8 Nodes

28 Tier-3 Federation 10G 40G 20G Seoul Daejeon Suwon Daegu Busan Gwangju 고려대 시립대 고려대 시립대 전남대 동신대 전남대 동신대 경상대 강원대 충북대 서남대 KOREN CMS Institution 경북대경북대 건국대건국대 성균관성균관 전북대전북대 Resource: 40 CPU’s & 10 TB

Summary  HEP has pushed against the limits of networking and computer technologies for decades.  High Speed Network is vital for HEP researches.  LHC experiment has started just now, and will produce ~10 PB/yr of data soon. We may expect 1 Tbps in less than a decade.  HEP groups in US, EU, Japan, China and Korea are collaborating for advanced net projects and Grid computing.