PROOFREAD YOUR MATERIAL! n Before you send out that press release or article, be sure you have looked it over carefully to check for mistakes. n Have your advisor and another student read it over to check facts. n Ask your English or Publications teacher to go over it with you for proper grammar and structure n Send it on its merry way!
Proofread n You Everything Everything n Your advisor or another student Content Content n Your English teacher Grammar Grammar Structure Structure
SEND NEWSLETTERS TO n chapter alumni n chapter members & parents n school board & administrators n chapters within your region n regional reporter n state FFA officer team n chapter sponsors & supporters n businesses of your community n vocational director n area representative n mayor n state media relations team
Newsletters to: n Chapter Members Members Parents Parents Alumni Alumni Sponsors Sponsors Supporters Supporters n School Board Board Administrators Administrators n Region Other chapters Other chapters Reporter Reporter n State Officer team Officer team Media relations team Media relations team n Other Community businesses Community businesses Vocational director Vocational director Representatives Representatives Mayor Mayor
Audience Primary Audience –Parents of elementary and middle school children Secondary Audience –teachers and school systems Tertiary Audience –MUCC clubs
Audiences Primary Parents - elementary and middle school Secondary Teachers and school systems Tertiary Clubs - Michigan United Conservation
Schedule December -Initial Drafts/Editing -Second Drafts/Editing -Final drafts January -PSA -Web -Magazine Ad.
Schedule December Drafts Edits January Public Service Announcement (PSA) Web Magazine Advertisement
Compost quality as measured by: Nutrient Content –Soil analysis –Compost analysis F For material to be used as a growth medium F For material to be used as a nutrient source or soil amendment –Fertilizer analysis
Compost Quality Nutrient Content Analysis Soil Compost material Growth medium Nutrient source or soil amendment Fertilizer
Growth Media Quality Test Table 1 (handout) Compost 1 Compost 2
HCMA / MSUE COLLABORATION Position Responsibilities n Help to facilitate research and demonstration projects n Help to plan, implement and promote school farm and garden programs n Facilitate 4H activities overall... –Assist in development of educational materials –Coordinate and train Extension volunteers –Promote farm to school and other youth groups
Responsibilities n Facilitate research and demonstration projects n Plan, implement and promote school farm and garden programs n Facilitate 4-H activities n Assist in educational material development n Coordinate and train Extension volunteers n Promote farm to school and other youth groups HCMA / MSUE
Responsibilities n Projects - research and demonstration n Programs - school farm and garden n Activities - 4-H n Materials - educational development n Trainings - Extension volunteers n Promotions - Farm to school & other youth groups HCMA / MSUE