Igneous Rocks. Formed from the cooling of lava or magma.


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Presentation transcript:

Igneous Rocks

Formed from the cooling of lava or magma

Igneous Rocks are Divided into Two Groups IntrusiveExtrusive

Intrusive Igneous Formed from cooling MAGMA Forms deep INSIDE the Earth’s crust Crystals have more time to grow, so they are LARGER Described as COARSE-GRAINED

Intrusive Igneous Examples GraniteSyenite

Intrusive Igneous Examples DioriteGabbro

Extrusive Igneous Formed from cooling LAVA Forms OUTSIDE the Earth Crystals have LESS time to grow, so they are SMALLER OR NON-EXISTANT Described as FINE-GRAINED

Extrusive Igneous Examples ObsidianScoria

Extrusive Igneous Examples BasaltPumice

Quiz Question 1 This is an extrusive igneous rock It has a glassy texture It has been used throughout history to make knives and arrow heads.

Quiz Question 1 This is an extrusive igneous rock It has a glassy texture It has been used throughout history to make knives and arrow heads. Answer: Obsidian

Quiz Question 2 Can you name this extrusive igneous rock that is often used in foot-care?

Quiz Question 2 Can you name this extrusive igneous rock that is often used in foot-care? Answer: Pumice

Quiz Question 3 This is an intrusive igneous rock It has coarse-grained texture It is composed of the minerals: quartz, feldspar, and mica

Quiz Question 3 This is an intrusive igneous rock It has coarse-grained texture It is composed of the minerals: quartz, feldspar, and mica Answer: Granite