Marketing & Business Development Summit Welcome and Introduction Phillip Rosebrook, JR Business Mentors
Welcome Our Host JC Restoration Thank you to our sponsors Recognition A Business Mentors event Networking Schedule and breaks
Housekeeping Cel Phones Bathrooms Facility requests Buses and transportation
Expectations Take occasion to think about your business Think strategically Networking discussion Sponsors - your partners in success
A Few Words Phil Rosebrook, Sr, President Business Mentors Warner Cruz, CR, President JC Restoration
Leadership, Marketing and Success Tips on Growing a Successful Restoration Company
Headlines this Past Year Unemployment Collapse of credit markets Political conflicts Middle East conflicts Tiger Woods Sovereign debt concerns Earthquakes and natural disasters Home price collapse Uncertainty Massive deficits John & Kate Health care
What Can you Do?
What you Can Control Your attitude Make your place of work a reprieve from everyday problems Positive environment Providing a valuable service to people in need Contribute to worthwhile causes Provide opportunities for people working in your companies Build something of lasting value
Building a Company of Value Build a solid foundation Create a strategic growth plan Get out of the trenches Proactive not reactive Focus on quality and service
Marketing, Growth & Success Elements of a successful organization Vision Growth Culture Proactive & Strategic Rational not emotional decisions
Growth & Development is Optional Aging is fundamental growth is strategic and optional One year of experience repeated? Key to success is inside not outside your organization Development needs to be planned - discipline
Realities Insurance companies are making rapid changes Cost of business is increasing Cost of borrowing will likely increase Competitive environment is being re- defined Evolution of an industry
Discipline "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them.” George Bernard Shaw
Perspective “ We work not only to produce but to give value to time ” – Eugene DeLacroix Most restoration companies are missing opportunities or are not effectively using resources Restoration is a good business Strong purpose
Your Best Investment “ Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action. ” David J. Schwartz Days to weeks, weeks to years… What are your personal goals? What are your strategic business goals? Are you spending time or investing your time?
Your Reality “I am my message “ - Gandhi Your perceptions of your reality is all that you have You are in control of your perceptions Your attitude drives the company and will be reflected by your entire team
Hypothetically Speaking Are you working to live or living to work? Are you defined by your business or do you define your business?
Restoration Survival Exceptional performance Success will is result of proactive achievement of pre-planned results Success today does not assure a successful tomorrow Imagine it, plan it, achieve it
Marketing as Tool for Success Better Mousetraps do not create success Team effort Restoration is still a relationship business
Challenges Failure is an opportunity to define you and your company Character is forged through challenges Most anyone can lead when things are going well Unfettered success can be dangerous
Opportunity Use challenges to define leadership Failure is only an option when that is the end An awesome responsibility Focus, persistence and discipline
Value From Summit Networking Partners in your business success Educational opportunities that enhance your company Broad-based marketing ideas that will help you grow your company
Goals of Summit Marketing is a tool for success Sessions designed to grow sales, build your team and improve leadership Most marketing discussions strategic Marketing not sole responsibility of marketing department Learn to be more effective leader
A Challenge to Consider Exhibit strong optimism - Be Happy! Embrace a beginners mind and continuous improvement Be the driving force for your company’s success Create a proactive plan and involve your team
The Journey The gift of today Set up short term victories Celebrate success Aim high Takes no more time to create a successful company Define and achieve your championship
Closing Live life fully today Embrace challenges as opportunities Build a strong & empowered team Have discipline and be committed to your plan, your team, your future
Thank You Phillip Rosebrook JR, CR