Mimics of IBD Sunanda Kane MD MSPH Mayo Clinic Rochester
Mimics of IBD Discrimination based on: –Location –Symptoms (including EIM) –Endoscopic appearance –Radiographic appearance
sgi Diagnostic
AntibodyAntigenNon-IBD (%)CD (%)UC (%) ASCA Anti- Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody 5% 55 65% 5% DNase Sensitive pANCA Histone H1, bacterial antigen? <5% 10 25%50 65% OmpCE. coli<5% 38 50% 2% IBD-Specific Serologic Immune Markers
Mimics in Esophagus HSV infection HIV ulcers Pill esophagitis
Colonic Ulceration: Crohn’s?
Right sided Colonic Thickening: Crohn’s?
MRE of Woman with EN and Abdominal Pain Normal!
Small Bowel Mimics TB, Yersinia Neoplasm Drugs- NSAIDs, SARBs Celiac Autoimmune enteritis NOS Meckel’s diverticulum Endometriosis
Colon Mimics Prep effect Normal colon Histo, CMV, C diff Neoplasm- Kaposi’s sarcoma, leukemia SRUS Drugs-ipilimumab SCAD
Either Location Radiation Neoplasm IBS Bechet’s Ischemia
Perianal Mimics Trauma: obstetric or GI surgery Infection: TB, LGV Ischemia Neoplasm
Small Bowel Obstruction in CD Patient
Patient with Crohn’s and Pain
Patient with Crohn’s and Continued Weight Loss
Mimics of IBD Consider alternative when high dose prednisone does not work Always think about infection, ischemia or neoplastic process Conditions can overlap, can have two entities at once