Agri-ProFocus network day Welcome ! Friendship Intern. Hotel Addis December 13, 2013 Agri-ProFocus coordination
Program Agri-ProFocus network day 13 dec 08.30Arrival and registration Opening by Mrs. Mulu Solomon, Ethiopian CoC Overview program 09.20Presentation on fertiliser supply by ATA Progress in 2013 and Plans for Coffee break Progress & Plans of WG: Gender, A2F, Coop. Dev Progress & Plans: Contract Farming, R-BDS, A-TVET Lunch 13.00Food Security and Farmers Entrepreneurship Fund Dare to Share !! 14.00Agri-Hub fair and networking 15.00Cocktail
We vision an Ethiopia in which farmers earn a decent living and contribute to food security photo credits: Bioversity International
Our mission Agri-ProFocus promotes farmers’ entrepreneurship in Ethiopia. Members and partners of out network: Support entrepreneurial farmers (business models, farmers’ organisation, market linkages) Foster farmer support systems (finance, BDS, skills and inputs) Support sustainable food production for domestic markets (agro-food industry, market information, link to livelihoods ) Cross-cutting: Sustainability and inclusiveness.
Our network is a marketplace where people share expertise and do business photo credits:Sandra tout Court
Network -> Members/Partners -> Farmers
Four output areas of our network: 1.Business and partnership brokering: Finance Fairs Direct B2B linking 2.Innovation communities Six Working Groups Learning Agenda FSRE 3.Platform for debate and learning The hub website: ‘Ning’ Quarterly network events 4.Network development and coordination WGs chairs in the Steering Committee Strengthen the secretariat
1. Business and partnership brokering Aim: Create a pre-competitive environment for deal making between chain actors Market intelligence on food, agriculture and business: –Profiles of 51 organisations on ‘Ning’; 25 profiles of companies in catalogue (display). YOU are WELCOME! –Quick scans, Q&A –Overview investment instruments and calls –Overview of policies and strategies Brokering support –On demand matchmaking business, farmers, supporters –Engaging in joint resource mobilisation –Agri-Business Finance Fairs
2. Innovation communities Aim: Coalitions of members solve issues and put solutions into use. 1. Six Working Groups will explain their progress themselves Gender in Value Chains (17 members; SNV) Rural BDS (14, Yared Girma) Access to Finance (4, plus 25 in the field; lead CDI) Cooperative Development (12, EthioConsumers coop) Contract Farming (26, Lead Solagrow) Agricultural TVET (13, Lead: ReK and ICCO) 2. Learning Agenda of the FSRE Discuss Learning Questions in relevant Working Groups Learning events based on common findings field visits (with KIT)
Field visit Finance Fair
Training on Gender in Value Chain
3. Platform for debate and learning Aim: The Agri-Hub network serves as an informed platform for debate, mutual learning and information exchange Cooperative event: Linking practitioners to policy via a dialogue on farmer entrepreneurship. In Ethiopia the focus is on cooperative development with FCA, ATA and Ardaita Online information sharing and learning. Limited but growing slowly. November 2013: 1,333 visitors of which 70% new. Aim is 2000 visitors per month. Factsheets, policy briefs, video testimonials: not yet in Ethiopia. Volunteers??
Cooperative event
4. Network development and coordination Aim: A dynamic network that promotes farmers’ entrepreneurship issues and creates synergies Grow a large and strong membership based on shared values and code of conduct. Today 683 members. Collaborate with private sector platforms and organisations to enable delivery of complementary services around food and business brokering: RNE, ENLBA, ABSF, ATA, Etc. Cooperation with RNE on Food Security Policy issues and promote Dutch - Ethiopian business linkages Strengthen the secretariat with fulltime coordinator
Agri-Hub Management and Governance Membership Agri-Hub members: individuals & organisations. Future more formal membership of organisations Working groups Members contribute resources to activities and participate actively. Group leaders pro-actively lead the group and joins the steering committee. Coordination Day to day facilitation is by ICCO (lead, F&S contracted), Dutch APF secretariat and KIT. Needs permanent coord. Steering Committee Founding members and leaders of the Working Group
Budget Target € / year Members contribute financial and human resources. This is matched on a 50/50 base by DGIS-DDE Core support from ICCO. Specific contributions of SNV, Agriterra, ISSD, Cordaid, Terrafina, ReK planned for “Letters of Intent” (LOI) are used as a contract with member programs. Financial management is done by coordination/secretariat. Reporting to steering committee and APF-secretariat (NL) Longer term strategy for financial sustainability still open
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