BR #1 (PGS ) 1)Add Cancun, Acapulco,& Mazatlan to the map on pg )What 2 groups made up early Mexico? 3)Mexican cooking is still based on what. 4)What were the 4 highly developed civilizations of early Mexico & Central America? 5)What was the last of the great Mexican-Central American civilizations, its capital city & its significance?
ANSWERS TO BR #1 1) Refer to map on page 221 2)Hunters-Gathers, & Farmers 3)Corn tortillas, & pepper flavored beans 4))Maya, Olmec, Toltec, & Zapotec 5) Aztec, Tenochtitlan, One of the largest in the world at the time
COLONIAL PERIOD Reasons the Spanish Conquistadores (conquerors) defeated the mighty Aztecs 1) forming alliances with anti-Aztecs 2) uses of muskets & horses 3) the deadly smallpox wiped out many Aztecs-this brought on the fall of the Aztec capital, colonists would build Mexico City on this spot
Main reasons the Spainards colonized the Americas 1) Desire for silver & gold 2) converting the American Indians to Christianity AGRICULTURE Evolved from Ejidos (Indian worked land), into Haciendas which were large estates owned by the wealthy but worked by the Indians
Mexico since Independence Won independence from Spain in 1821 Lost Texas & California to the United States in the 1848 Mexican War Launched a successful revolution in which led to a bogus Democracy with a President who ruled like a Dictator( a leader who ruled with absolute authority)
Pancho Villa Famous Mexican revolutionary Had the US army hunting him down for raids in Texas.
Since 1990, Mexico has become nearly self-sufficient, increasingly urban with most workers in industrial & service jobs In 1992, joined NAFTA which has really improved trade with the U.S. & Canada
Tourism, including beautiful vacation resorts, Mexico City, old colonial towns, & dramatic scenery has been the biggest boom to the Mexican economy
HW #1 (PGS ) 1)What was Nueva Espana? 2)Define:A) Missions B) Plaza C) Mestizos 3)What are 3 popular Mexican resort cities? 4)What 2 ways are Mexican citizens like their American neighbors? 5)In what 2 ways is Mexican family life changing. 6)How has Mexican politics changed?
ANSWERS TO HW #1 1)New Spain-new name of Aztec capital 2A)Frontier outposts B) Church fronts that became community centers (this feature is still popular today) C) People of mixed European & Indian ancestry 3)Acapulco, Cancun, & Mazatlan 4)Watching TV & shopping 5) Smaller families, more women working outside the family 6)Become more democratic than ever