Great Civilizations in the Americas The Olmec, Aztec, Maya, and Inca.


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Presentation transcript:

Great Civilizations in the Americas The Olmec, Aztec, Maya, and Inca

Map of the Empires

THE OLMEC The Olmec Empire was located in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. The Olmec Empire was located in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.

Olmec Sculptures The Olmec are famous for their huge stone carvings. The Olmec are famous for their huge stone carvings.

Olmec Cities The Olmecs had large cities built of stone. The Olmecs had large cities built of stone. Agriculture was important. They had to grow enough food for all the people living in cities. Agriculture was important. They had to grow enough food for all the people living in cities.

The Maya Location: Location: The Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize) The Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize)

Mayan Pyramids Mayan pyramids were made of stone and built to last. Mayan pyramids were made of stone and built to last. They are proof of how important religion was to the Mayan civilization. They are proof of how important religion was to the Mayan civilization.

Other Mayan Feats Agriculture Agriculture Astronomy (365 day calendar) Astronomy (365 day calendar) Roads Roads Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics

The Aztec The Aztec was an empire located in what is now Mexico. The Aztec was an empire located in what is now Mexico. The capital of the Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan, built on an island in a lake for good defense. The capital of the Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan, built on an island in a lake for good defense.

Aztec Pyramids The Aztec built huge pyramids for their religious ceremonies. The Aztec built huge pyramids for their religious ceremonies.

War !!! The Aztec was a warlike society. The Aztec was a warlike society. They conquered their neighbors and captured prisoners of war. They conquered their neighbors and captured prisoners of war. They held human sacrifices to appease the gods. They held human sacrifices to appease the gods.

Aztec Art Many examples of Aztec art have been found, including clay masks and figures as well as stone carvings. Many examples of Aztec art have been found, including clay masks and figures as well as stone carvings.

The Inca The Inca had the biggest empire of the pre-Columbian civilizations. The Inca had the biggest empire of the pre-Columbian civilizations. It stretched for three thousand miles in the Andes Mountains of South America. It stretched for three thousand miles in the Andes Mountains of South America.

Incan Engineering The Inca built cities and roads high in the Andes Mountains. The Inca built cities and roads high in the Andes Mountains.

Incan Agriculture How can you grow food in the mountains? How can you grow food in the mountains? The Inca solved the problem by carving terraces into the mountains. The Inca solved the problem by carving terraces into the mountains.


Map of the Empires