Personal Finance Mrs. van Steenburgh
What students will learn How to manage money create a budget open and maintain a checking account save and invest in the stock market maintain good credit buy insurance
What students will learn continued buy high ticket items such as a car or house prepare for retirement
Resources we will use in class online learning activities Stock market simulation Virtual Business for Personal Finance visits from financial advisors, insurance representatives and banking institutions our textbook Managing your Personal Finances
Virtual Business—Personal Finance Virtual Business--Personal Finance Simulation demonstration
Student expectations Come to class prepared with textbook, pencil/pen, a folder. Students should also bring to class earphones. Come to class on time. Be respectful. Be ready to participate. No plagiarism.
How to contact me Please put your child’s name in the subject area of your . Phone and the office will page me (I do not have a classroom phone).
My website Please visit my website for helpful links and test dates
Thank you for coming this evening!