Can you say "Free Tech PD"? Kim Thomas Julie Leckman Madison School District
ISTE: NETS-T NationalEducationTechnologyStandards - Teachers Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Need for alternative PD Finance Teacher schedule New teachers a breed of tech native users Did I mention finances?
Our Process
The Best Team Professional Dev Team – Write the curriculum – Write the course – Implement Kim Thomas Lead and Facilitator – Three passionate teachers and somewhat wacky…
Backwards Design Standard: Desired Outcomes Evidence of Learning Curriculum and Instruction
Drafting the Course Templates in Google Docs for sharing Started with the big ideas – sketched out Jumped around with inspiration Then back – Details – Critical points – Refinement
Drafting the Course Allocated items for follow-up Re-visited and weighed item value Defined support technology
Important!!! Dialogue and stretch and dialogue and sketch and laugh and dialogue and laugh – remember you have people who love writing curriculum and are passionate about their content, these are the people you want to be involved. HAVE FUN!!! ENJOY THE JOURNEY!!!
Selecting Structures and Vehicles File storage for Participants Webpage Blog Web meeting tools Presentation Tools
Pre-class Set up shells Participants – pre-install software and check versions Oreintation Hand holding – BIG!!!!!! Build capacity!
Starting the class Meet once a week online Management Acclimate to the net meeting environment Carefully select talking points.
Final Product 27 out of 30 finished Great resource for all Word of mouth – they wanted another
Madison Interactive Site
Nothing is Really Free Curriculum and Instructor the highest cost – Curriculum time about $1,500 – this is now cut in half because of the second class – Instructor $700 – Camera and mic about $100 – DimDim $195 (50 people) good for a year – Snacks and Chocolate for the curriculum team – necessary and priceless
O.k. some things in life are free Can be DimDim for 20 or less people Webpage Blog Atomic Learning Teacher Tube Document Sharing – Google docs
Thank You For Your Time