Here’s whatcha do: Go to Pick a topic! Skim over the background information, but focus on the Pros and Cons list. Spend minutes reading over that part specifically. On your own paper, write the topic as your title. For #1, explain in your own words, what the controversy is.
#2. Write the two best PROS from the list. WRITE THEM IN YOUR OWN WORDS. #3. Write the two best CONS from the list. WRITE THEM IN YOUR OWN WORDS. #4 What is the weakest PRO on that list? Explain why you think it’s not a strong point. #5 What is the weakest CON on that list. Explain why you think it’s not a strong point. #6 What do you think after all this? Make your claim, provide evidence and commentary.
#7 Give your own examples of fallacies for the topic. You can pretend you’re writing for a commercial. Argument from authority Slippery slope Emotional appeal