Industry Based Learning Program Private Business School Limited Studying Out Of The Classroom And Into Real Industry
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Courses Enterprise Start Up (ESU) Buying Existing Businesses (BEB) International and Local Marketing (ILM) Digital Marketing (DM) Research Methodology (RM) Communications (Com.) Human Resources (HR) Classes Available Now… Hurry Up !! Limited Seats Hurry Up !! Limited Seats..***
Enterprise Start Up (ESU) Where:Auckland and Online How Long:8 Weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied and Visual Techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will create explore business establishment from seed, start up and exit. Learn many techniques such as market research, risk, angel capital finance, target marketing, prototype, supply and manufacturing, employee incorporation, network marketing and more.
Buying Existing Businesses (BEB) Where: Auckland and Online How Long: 8 Weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied and Visual Techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will examine key areas of business purchasing and help display these skills by assisting a business with the selling of their business in the market as well as options to purchase an existing business.
International and Local Marketing (ILM) Where:Auckland and Online How Long:8 weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied, audio and visual techniques. Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore business marketing techniques and create real industry expansion proposals for businesses around Auckland and New Zealand. Businesses may request expansion proposals for overseas markets or cultural committees within Auckland. References to be given by business partners.
Digital Marketing (DC) Where:Auckland and Online How Long: 8 weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied, audio and visual techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore online marketing options with web design, measurements, SEO, Interaction and more. Students will choose and enhance real businesses current digital marketing operation and create proposal options to help more it into the digital era.
Research Methodology (RM) Where:Auckland and Online How Long:8 weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied, audio and visual techniques. Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore exploratory research techniques that enable employers to gain fresh new ideas or directions. It will also help make the student accountable for submitting well supported proposals.
Communication (Com) Where:Auckland and Online How Long:8 weeks Knowledge Transfer: Applied, audio and visual techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore current verbal and non verbal techniques. The students will look at internal and external communication methods and use an real event to display their skills.
Human Resource (HR) Where:Auckland and Online How Long:8 Weeks Knowledge Transfer: Action, audio and visual techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore recruitment philosophies, techniques and modern requirements. Students will look at two perspectives of HR including one as employer and the other as employee. Students will look at interview techniques, CV, job application and portfolio development.
Event Management (EM) Where: Auckland and Online How Long: 8 weeks Knowledge Transfer: Action, audio and visual techniques Details: Using applied learning techniques students will explore theoretical ideology but will also planning and operate an actual event. A strong part of this is group work, planning and communication.
Industry Based Learning Program Marketing and Enterprise Courses COURSE FEE - NZD$15,000 Program Duration: 1 Year 24*7 Consultancy Hours
Private Business School Ltd NZ: (+64) India : (+64) Office: (+64) – P.O. Box #44295 Pt. Chevalier Auckland (New Zealand) Enrollments: