Local vocational training sessions of floristry with learners: didactial materials and resources for all partners INTERNATIONAL PROJECT : Euro-Flora Reinforces European Labor Market Spain Estonia Turkey Poland Cyprus Italy Portugal Leonardo da Vinci Partnership Project " This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Christmas in Poland Two trainers- florists demonstrate materials and give a lecture of Christmas composition.
Learners received didactical books, brochures and leaflets of Christmas compositions.
Learners study the instructions and the process of making copmositions.
Trainers started demonstration of the process of making the compositions.
Process of demonstration. Trainers use fresh and artificial flowers, leaves, wires, ribbons and other accessories.
The lecture is about the technique and the theory of colours.
Presentation of making composition using the sponge.
Christmas decoration in the vase made of fresh roses.
Demonstration how to make ribbon.
Example of other composition.
Learners create own composition using artificial green wreaths and typical for Christmas - red flowers.