Jeffco Textbook Review January 2014
Purpose of the Review Process To review and recommend learning resources that provide major support for instructional programs and align to Colorado Academic Standards and Jeffco’s curriculum.
Board Policy -- IJ The district encourages the selection of the best learning resources available for the students and staff of Jeffco Schools and shall assist school personnel in identifying those learning resources through the approval process.
Board Policy – IJ-R In a two committee process district professional staff and citizens will review and recommend learning resources that provide major support for instructional program objectives and are required for student use in a unit of study.
How Textbooks Come Up for Approval §Principal/Teachers’ request §Publishers request review §Content Teams’ request §To complete a series
First Step: Content Review Committee Members include a balance of: l Classroom teachers and/or instructional coaches with expertise in the content area and level (elementary or secondary) of the textbook under consideration l One member from a school requesting a pilot of the resource l District Content Specialist l Facilitator
Textbook Content Review Form §Guide to help determine if resource is: aligned to Jeffco curriculum/Colorado academic standards emphasizes research- based instructional practices aligned to Board’s end use policies
Content Areas English/Language Arts Social Studies Science World Languages Math
Resource Review Committee Criteria One and a half year school based pilot of the resource §Available student performance data §Evaluations from piloting teacher and/or students
Content Review Committee Tasks §Serve as an “impartial” jury §Complete a Textbook Review form for each text §Review available evidence §Discuss and make recommendation Remember… §Jeffco has a standards-based curriculum – it is not resource-based. §There is no perfect resource.
Criteria for Recommendation §Quality of language, illustrations, and photographs to ensure that the materials are not discriminatory and are age appropriate §Any available professional reviews from journals and/or professional associations. §Alignment with and support for the Board’s Ends policies
Textbook Resource Review Form §Guide to help determine if resource is: age appropriate integrates technology provides opportunities for interactive student participation presents content in a nondiscriminatory manner
Resource Review Committee Tasks §Serve as an “impartial” jury §Complete a Textbook Review form for each text §Review available evidence §Discuss and make recommendation Remember… §Jeffco has a standards-based curriculum – it is not resource-based. §There is no perfect resource.
Upon Approval by the Resource Review Committee Texts are placed in branches of the Jefferson County public library for review by the public for two weeks Community comments are reviewed to determine if the committee should be reconvened to reconsider citizen concerns
Recommendation for School Board Approval Upon approval by the Board of Education, texts are placed on the “Approved Textbook” list and are available for purchase by schools across the district.
Any Questions?