Including Provider Engagement Network Presentation Safeguarding Adults & Mental Capacity Act Stephen Spratling & Sandra Geary
Including Statistics Safeguarding Alerts: 2007/ / (137% increase) 203 were from service providers (most common source) 202 people receiving Dom Care 213 people receiving Residential care (ref Safeguarding Adults Annual Report 08/09)
Including Making a Referral All referrals should now go through Care Direct Passed to Safeguarding team for ‘Co- ordination’ Individual concerns passed to locality teams Whole service concerns stay with Safeguarding Team
Including Investigating whole service allegations New Safeguarding Social Worker role Investigating allegations of institutional abuse to inform safeguarding meetings Reports will usually be shared with service providers (at the discretion of SG meetings)
Including Mental Capacity Act Service users who are not able to make decisions for themselves may have decisions made by others – medics, ACS, providers, family etc. MCA gives guidelines, legal powers and sanctions All staff working with people who lack capacity need to be aware
Including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards A service user who lacks capacity and is not able to co-operate with placement in hospital or residential care may be deprived of their liberty. In certain circumstances, DoLS may authorise their detention. The Managing Authority is responsible for issuing an Urgent Authorisation and referring for a Standard Authorisation.
Including E-learning Induction level training - for ALL staff working with vulnerable adults(Includes- Safeguarding Adults; Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) Level 1 Safeguarding Adults training- Builds on e-learning The training is open to all staff who have direct contact with service users. It is not appropriate for ancillary staff. Level 2 Safeguarding Adults training - The training is open to qualified staff and Registered Managers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors No Charge is made for training Contact DC Workforce Development Admin Team: Tel: TRAINING
Including Quality Assurance Feedback forms in future will go to: service users carers partner agencies (including, statutory services, private and independent providers) Will be used as part of Safeguarding quality assurance systems to help identify learning and service development needs.
Including Contacts and Information For advice: : To make a referral: Care Direct For Information: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Team: : To access training: DCC Workforce Development Admin Team: