Figure 1. (a) Transmission Electron Micrograph of synthesized FeCo nanoparticles (20nm). (b) X-ray diffraction pattern confirming BCC crystalline structure and estimating mean particle size at 29nm. (c) Synthesized ferrofluid under the influence of a magnetic field. (d) FeCo ferrofluid incorporated into ECM hydrogels at increasing concentrations. CMU REU: Materials Research – Summer 2009 Gregory S. Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon-University, DMR Functionalization & Chaining of FeCo Magnetic Nanoparticles for Applications in Regenerative Medicine Oyita Udiani (REU Student), Saint Augustine’s College Kate McNerny, Michael McHenry, David Laughlin, Carnegie Mellon University a. b. c. d. This project is also jointly supported by NSF grant DMR Magnetic Nanoparticles (MNPs) have great potential in the field of medicine and have been explored for various applications in the medical arena including cancer therapy, cellular labeling/cell separation, tissue repair, and drug delivery. This project aims to show the viability of incorporating MNPs in Extracelluar Matrix (ECM) hydrogel implants commonly used to facilitate tissue regeneration in animals. Via MRI, MNP-infused tissue scaffolds could be tracked concurrently as they degraded in the body. As a first step, FeCo MNPs were synthesized, characterized, and incorporated into stable ferrofluids. These particles were accordingly incorporated into porcine SIS ECM derived hydrogels. Finally, anitbodies and protein ligation are proposed as collagen targeting mechanisms for MNPs in ECM scaffolds, and are the subject of future work.
This summer, 24 undergraduates participated in our summer research program, including students funded by various programs (PREM, MRSEC, CMU internal, and REU-NSF). In the first week of the REU program, a lab safety course was taught along special seminar on research ethics with a. After five weeks, a symposium was held where all the students presented brief oral reports on their project goals, progress to date, and plans for the second half of the summer. The internship is also punctuated by additional education activities such as a weekly research seminar series given by various faculty from the university and a final research symposium where the students present the results of their project. Each student also produces a written summary of their project and answers a questionnaire about their experience. Awards are given out to the best research presentations at the second symposium. CMU REU: Materials Research – Summer 2009 Gregory S. Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon-University, DMR
On June 22-26, local Pittsburgh – area teachers participated in a summer camp at Carnegie Mellon University. The five-day camp was hosted by the Materials Science and Engineering Department and co-sponsored by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Foundation, in conjunction with the ASM Materials Education Foundation, the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) Foundation, and the ASM Pittsburgh Chapter. During the camp, the teachers learned the basics of materials science as taught at the high school level, through a series of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on lab activities. They worked with metals, ceramics, polymers and composites, helping to develop a greater appreciation for the importance of these materials to everyday life. The camp also included a field trip to the labs of the Art Conservation Research Center at CMU, where they learned about how materials research is a part of art conservation ASM Materials Camp for High School Science Teachers