Make An Ark of Gopher Wood Generic and Specific Authority
Bible Authority Religious authority comes from God because he is our Creator (Gen. 1:1) and God expresses his authority through his word (Heb. 1:1-2) Both the OT and the NT exemplify the need for God’s authority in our life There is also a need to distinguish the different covenants in the Bible and handle accurately the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15)
Bible Authority God authorizes a practice sometimes by speaking generically (allowing for aides, expediencies) and sometimes by speaking specifically or explicitly (not allowing any additions) An “aid” or “expediency” (lit. to carry out) is something that helps to carry out a general statement An “addition” is something in addition to what has been specifically or explicitly stated
Generic and Specific Authority Genesis 6:13-21 GenericSpecific “Make an ark…”“Ark of gopher wood…” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed tools, equipment, transportation, etc. Additions Not Allowed chariot, wagon, oak, maple, cherry, iron, stone, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority Exodus 12:1-28 GenericSpecific “Take a lamb…”“Lamb without blemish, a male a year old…” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed raise it, buy it, gift, etc. Additions Not Allowed ox, chicken, blemished, female, two year old, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority Mark 16:15-16 GenericSpecific “Go into all the world and preach … is baptized” “preach the gospel … he that believes and is baptized shall be saved” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed method of travel or teaching, ample water, etc. Additions Not Allowed economics, politics, business, philosophy, “faith only,” pray, sprinkling, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority 1 Corinthians 11:20-34 GenericSpecific “Eat this bread … drink this cup” “Bread … cup” (unleavened bread, fruit of the vine – Mt. 26:26-29) Aids (Expediencies) Allowed distribution, containers, etc. Additions Not Allowed meat, potatoes, hot dogs, hamburgers, coke, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority 1 Corinthians 14:23-26 GenericSpecific “the whole church be assembled … When you come together…” “worship God … each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation…” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed time, place, building, etc. Additions Not Allowed assembling for fun, food, entertainment, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority 1 Corinthians 16:2 GenericSpecific “Let each one of you lay by him in store … no collections when I come” “Upon the first day of the week … lay by him in store” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed pass a basket, bank account, etc. Additions Not Allowed a day other than Sunday, raffles, bingo, business, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority Ephesians 5:19 GenericSpecific “Speaking … singing and making melody…” “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing … with your heart…” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed songbook, song leader, pitch pipe, four-part, etc. Additions Not Allowed pop, country, rock, oldies, instruments of music, etc.
Generic and Specific Authority 1 Timothy 2:1-2 GenericSpecific “…who shall be able to teach others also” “And the things which you have hear from me … the same…” Aids (Expediencies) Allowed one or more classes, materials, visual aides, etc. Additions Not Allowed any subject other than the gospel
Expediencies Expediencies must have [generic] authority behind it (1 Cor. 6:12; 10:23) Expediencies must edify (1 Cor. 10:23-33; 14:26) Expediencies must not offend the conscience (1 Cor. 10:32; Rom. 14:13-23) Expediencies must not add to or substitute for God’s way specified way (2 Jn. 9; Rev. 22:18-19)
Generic and Specific Authority Generic authority is unspecified as to details, allowing for any authorized aid or expediency to carry out the command (there is latitude, freedom, and judgment according to one’s time, place, and ability) Specific authority is explicit, specified as to details, not allowing any additions; all other alternatives are excluded (there is no latitude, freedom, or judgment)
Generic and Specific Authority Be as general as God is general (don’t add any specifics of your own) and be as specific as God is specific (don’t add any generalities of your own) - Mt. 16:19; 18:18 Do not make specific what God has made generic (Acts 15:10,28; Gal. 5:1) Do not make generic what God has made specific (1 Chron. 13:6-14; 15:13-15)