EFIS Financial Reporting For CMSMs and DSSABs 2012 Estimates & 2011 Financial Statements 1 Financial Analysis & Accountability Branch February 2012
2 Agenda / Objectives This training will: Provide a refresher on the layout of the schedules within EFIS & See what’s new Revisit the order of data entry into the various schedules Highlight the data elements required to be entered into the various schedules Outline what to submit to the Ministry & Who to contact for EFIS support 2012 BUDGET SUBMISSION: 2011 FINANCIAL STATEMENT SUBMISSION: Highlight the year end financial reporting elements
4 Layout of Schedules within EFIS 1.Title Page 2.Table of Contents 3.Schedule 1 – Service Data Schedules 1.1 – Contractual Service Targets 1.2 – Other Service Targets 4.Schedule 2 – Expenditure Schedules 2.1 – Staffing (Direct Delivery of Services) 2.2 – Staffing (Program Administration) 2.3 – Gross Expenditures 2.4 – Adjusted Gross Expenditures 2.5 – Transition-Capital 2.6 – System Needs (previously schedule 4.2) NOTE: Changes are identified in red
5 Layout of Schedules within EFIS (continued) 5.Schedule 3 – Subsidy Schedules 3.1 – Subsidy Calculation 6.Schedule 4 – Supplementary Information 4.1 – Purchase of Service (Supported / Notional Staffing) 4.2 – Per Diem Rates 4.3 – Total Number of Children Served 7.Submission Review Error Messages Warning Messages Data Analysis & Review NOTE: Changes are identified in red
6 Order of Data Entry
7 Required Data Elements Date (closest to submission date) Titles and signatures (authorized) REMINDER: Must submit 2 signed hard copies No data entry Schedule Contractual Service Targets no data entry, based on 2012 service contract Service contract data should be representative of funding received “Recalculate reference data” REMINDER: A664, non-instructional day also includes children reported in other categories Title Page Table of Contents Service Data Schedules (Schedule 1)
8 Required Data Elements Schedule 1.2 – Other Service Targets Enter data where applicable # of children, # of families Average monthly # of children served # of FTE of staff, # of licensed programs funded Data should be representative of funding received REMINDERS: - # of families cannot exceed # of children (except split custody instances) - # of children reported on this schedule must be ≥ than average monthly # of children reported on schedule All data elements must be completed where you are reporting expenditures on schedule Try not to double count any of the service targets (except when moving age groups) Service Data Schedules (Schedule 1) continued QUESTION: How can we help in developing a strategy to avoid double counting ?
9 Required Data Elements Schedule 2.1 – Staffing (Direct Delivery of Services) Schedule 2.2 – Staffing (Program Administration) Enter #, FTE, salaries & benefits REMINDERS: - # must be ≥ than FTE (Column 8) - Benefits should be consistent across detail codes - If allocating 1 person’s salary across multiple detail codes, the average annual salary of the person should be the same across the allocated detail codes - “Would the position still exist if the program closed? If yes, report on 2.2. If no, report on 2.1” - Schedule 2.1 specifically excludes individuals who determine income eligibility Expenditure Schedules (Schedule 2) QUESTION: Would standard position titles be useful ?
10 Required Data Elements Schedule 2.3 – Schedule of Total GROSS Expenditures Enter gross costs other than salaries & benefits where detail codes are funded by the Ministry of Education NEW: Linked the following cells: - Schedule Transition Capital (Total) to column 5 for detail code A713 - Schedule 2.6 – System Needs (Total) to column 11 for detail code A661 REMINDERS: - If you have reported data elements on Schedule 1.1 and 1.2, you should be reporting expenditures on this schedule - Report GROSS costs Expenditure Schedules (Schedule 2) continued QUESTION: Would different expenditure categories be more useful ?
11 Required Data Elements Schedule 2.4 – Schedule of Adjusted Gross Expenditures Enter revenue amounts offsetting child care program costs (donations, federal programs, etc). REMINDER: Column 2 CANNOT be blank unless you only serve fully subsidized children Schedule 2.5 – Transition - Minor capital (A713) Enter name and address of centre, licensed capacity pre and post minor capital expenditure, expenditure by approved categories REMINDERS: - No pre-approval required from the Ministry of Education - If you are planning on spending it all but don’t know the “details” yet, still complete the schedule Expenditure Schedules (Schedule 2) continued
12 Required Data Elements Schedule 2.6 – System Needs (A661) Previously schedule 4.2 in 2011 revised estimates Enter # of participants, description of initiative and costs REMINDER: Amount reported cannot exceed the 2010 expenditure levels approved by MCYS Expenditure Schedules (Schedule 2) continued
13 Required Data Elements Schedule 3.1 – Entitlement Calculation No data entry NEW: Added “Pressure/Under spending” column, Col. 4 REMINDERS: - This schedule should inform the reader of the way in which the CMSM/DSSAB supports child care (flexibility exercised by the CMSM/DSSAB as service system managers) - Must submit 2 signed hard copies of all pages Revenue Schedules (Schedule 3)
14 Required Data Elements Schedule 4.1 – Purchase of Service – Supported Notional Staffing Number of operators, # of FTE, salaries Provincially 82% of spending is reported using “purchase of service” on schedule 2.3, with the highest CMSM reporting 94% Schedule 4.2 – Per Diem Rates (NEW) Centre-based and home-based, by age group “Rates paid by the CMSM/DSSAB” = daily rates paid to operators for fee subsidy purposes “Fees charged by the operators” = fees charged by child care operators (including CMSM/DSSAB that provide direct delivery of service) to full fee-paying parents Supplementary Schedules (Schedule 4)
15 Required Data Elements Schedule 4.3 – Total Number of Children Served (NEW) Cumulative, unduplicated number (to the extent possible) that includes the total number of children served by the CMSM/DSSAB as follows: Those funded by the Ministry of Education through an 80/20 cost share Those funded by the Ministry of Education through a 100% provincial share Those funded by the CMSM/DSSAB over and above the required legislated cost sharing provision. Placed in age group based on their age as of December 31 st. Example: If a child is present January - March, leaves for April – July, returns in August = counted as 1 Supplementary Schedules (Schedule 4) continued
16 Required Data Elements Data Analysis & Review Does the allocation process make sense ? Error Messages Cannot promote the submission to active with an error message Sample = “ERROR” 1 NEW error message this cycle pertaining to schedule 1.1 Warning Messages Can promote the submission to active with warning messages Other Schedules (Review of the Submission)
17 Required Data Elements “Recalculate Reference Data” On submission summary page (see next slide) Reflects updated data from the Ministry of Education Cannot promote submission without having latest reference data “Update submission to latest version” On submission summary page (see next slide) Reflects updated template from the Ministry of Education to correct errors to formulas (if applicable) Cannot promote submission without being in latest version Final Steps
18 Required Data Elements Final Steps
19 Required Data Elements Promote Submission To Ready for Submission To Active electronically submitted to Ministry of Education Mail (snail mail) 2 hard copies of the following documents: Signed Cover Page Signed Entitlement Calculation To: Diane Strumila Project Manager, Grant Services 17th Floor, Mowat Block, 900 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2 Final Steps
Financial Statements
21 Year-End Reporting Requirements 1. Audited financial statements for the municipality / district which covers all programs provided by the municipality / district including child care 2. A review engagement report (or an auditor’s report) prepared on the Ministry’s basis of accounting, outlining supplementary information segmented by specific detail code for child care programs, unless this information is already included as part of the audited financial statements 3. A post audit management letter issued by the external auditors. If such a letter is not available, confirmation in writing for the reasons for its unavailability 4. An active 2011 EFIS financial statement submission. No separate TPAR exercise Due May 31, : ELCC1
22 EFIS Year-End Financial Statement Document Set No schedule 4.2 (per diem rates) Same schedule 1.1 as in the revised estimates (3 step schedule) service contract actuals 3.Reconciliation between service contract & actuals Schedule 3.1 – New Section (in-year adjustments) (see next slide) - Reinvestments for A661 announced November One-time adjustments for 2010 funding amounts that could be spent up to March 31, 2011 = A663/A664 & A665 Variance reporting based on data submitted in 2011 estimates - Schedule 1.1 and Schedule 2.4 Target EFIS document set release date of February 15, 2012 Differences from 2012 Estimates Package
23 EFIS Year-End Financial Statement Document Set Additional Table at bottom of Schedule 3.1 The following detail codes have been adjusted based on the table below. Original Ministry Allocation One-time AdjustmentIn-Year Reinvestment Total Allocation Operating - ELCDA661 Fee Subsidy - ELCD & Extended Day Prg A663/A664 Transition - OperatingA665
24 In general, is there data that we are not collecting that you think we should start to collect?
25 EFIS Assistance Julie Ramsaran Tel: (416) Stephen Shek Tel: (416) Mark Bonham Tel: (416) Financial Analyst User / Navigation assistance: Log in assistance: Data entry assistance: