Mobilizing the Church –and partnership with International Agencies ACET (U) International Conference Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe A Rapporteurs summary of the Presentation of Calle Almedal
Opening Remarks One gets the impression that the people represented at this conference represents a marginalized group; UNAIDS will consider preparing a handbook on how the UN can work with churches. I shall ensure that the Evangelical church is represented in this documentation; The church has done most of care for people with AIDS over the years, however they have not received the recognition that they deserve; Church didn’t receive its rightful position particularly because it was busy caring. The church should now take time to publicize the work that is being done;
A few tips and thoughts Reach into your membership and start doing what needs to be doing – before moving out What Churches can do that others cannot do: –Only churches can lament. (Where is the lamenting church) –Reconciliation (in individuals, between individuals, within and between communities, between HIV +ve people and their communities/families –Whole hearted Christian response based on Theology
Issues (1) Many declarations have been made. Leaders have promised God, promised themselves and promised us – BUT Who holds leaders responsible Church should prove that they do what they say they will do. Abstinence programmes: What is the content of the abstinence programme, don’t say you have an abstinence programme when what you do is abstinence preaching; Check what we are doing to see if it useful or useless; be very critical towards what you do. Categorization (generalization) of people is not helpful;
Issues (2) There is need to look into sexualities and related issues –Explore new ways of doing things, i.e. marriage enrichment programmes (better sex lives within the context of marriage); –Clarity in terminology - In abstinence programmes, there is need to be clear that both the communicator and recipient have the same meaning to the words; –Don’t be afraid of thinking and rethinking, don’t be afraid to divert, to be different. –Don’t be afraid of handling difficult issues – incest etc. these need to be talked about
Issues (3) For future successful HIV interventions we need to talk about human sexuality, this will inevitably mean intervention knowing who does what with who, why, where and in some cases for how much; The sooner we get comfortable (get to terms ) with our human sexuality then the sooner we shall get transmission down; the more we do not talk about it, the more we shall give it leverage.
Partnerships Formation of coalitions. There is need to collaborate to be bigger; Join and demand ‘your’ governments and ask to be part of various partnership fora; Demand to be in some of the UN theme groups. This can access help in Organizations for development (UNDP) or help for orphans (UNICEF); Need to help the church in the North. There is lack of solidarity. Where the whole Church in the South is working hard on AIDS and those in the North are not fully involved; there is an imbalance which has to be restored, there is one body of Christ;