Background Club Development Committee ◦ Comprised of members of Board of Directors ◦ Responsible for setting policies and guidelines of clubs ◦ Approved at meeting on Addresses Club Issues ◦ Membership ◦ lists ◦ Leadership succession Concept of ‘Academic Standing’ ◦ Students must remain in good academic standing to remain a student Expectations/Support ◦ Many of the same expectations/support ◦ New way of looking at expectations/support ◦ ROI – Return on Investment
Background, cont. Measurement ◦ Progress toward meeting expectations measured at end of fiscal year ◦ One year to address unmet expectations ◦ Officer membership, checked quarterly New Clubs ◦ Two years from organizational meeting date to establish by-laws and comply with expectations Association Support/Assistance ◦ Board of Directors District Representatives ◦ Club Development Committee
Expectations Membership Officers Administrative Scholarships Student Recruitment Alumni Gathering Local Websites/ Lists
Membership Clubs are expected to work toward a membership increase each year Clubs not experiencing a membership increase are expected to prepare a Membership Action Plan to document strategies for growing membership in their club areas.
Officers All officer positions are filled to ensure future leadership for the club Officers are expected to be current association members Officer rotation completed according to the by-laws Officers must be regular members of the UK Alumni Association ◦ Completed a minimum of 12 hours
Administrative Hold regular board/steering committee meetings Operate without the use of local dues Submit bylaws and financial reports to the UK Alumni Association annually Club representative attend the Annual Alumni Club Leadership Training Conference
Scholarships Provide at least $500 annually to be applied to a scholarship endowment or scholarship award to help show relevance of alumni club activities to the university Clubs may utilize one of its allotted mailers to solicit members in their area
Student Recruitment Participate in or hold one student recruitment activity annually College fair, student send-off, book awards, letter writing campaigns, UK Preview nights, etc.
Alumni Gathering Host at least one annual gathering that engages and connects alumni Picnic, holiday party, scholarship dinner, cultural performance, career development workshop, professional development workshop, golf outing, Derby Party
Local Websites, Lists and Social Media Website guidelines located at Local lists are only to be used for club related activities ◦ Bcc format suggested ◦ Abuse of lists can result in removal of club recognition i.e. sending political s, sales solicitations, making fun of other schools, photos of current players, etc. ◦ Suggestion to add association staff ◦ Include a membership promotion Facebook/Twitter accounts used only for club-related activities
Support from the UK Alumni Association Annual Club Awards Recognition Athletic Tickets Alumni Club Leadership Training Expenses (except travel and registration fee) Club Leaders Handbook Club Website and Technical Support Staff Support for Event Planning, Speaker Scheduling, Scholarship Administration, Student Recruitment Administration, etc. Travel Expenses for One UK Speaker
Support from the UK Alumni Association, cont. Online Registration Service Name Tags and Other Giveaway Items for Events Free Graphic Design, Printing and Postage for: ◦ Mailings ◦ Broadcast s Media Release Templates for Events Club Roster
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