Database weekly reports Zbigniew Baranowski Carlos Fernando Gamboa
Database weekly reports Based on reports used for experiments database reporting HTML format Content of DB report –Top 5 active users/sites –Sessions per user and per service –Resource utilization by users –Short connections –Broken jobs & Invalid objects –Queries not using bind variables –Connection errors & passwords expiring & not used schema –Fragmented table & Disk space usage per schema 2
Top 5 Sites & Users 3
Database weekly reports Database activity overview 4
Database weekly reports Queries not using bind variables 5
Database weekly reports 6
Architecture USERMON schema - containing audit data local repository on each monitored database PHP script – report generator –Located on your web server –Uses USERMON schema to generate report based on session activity data and other db diagnostic views RAL BNL 3d Web Server T1 Authorized user Get reports for DB Get data 7
Deployment PL/SQL installation script –To be run as sys –Creates USERMON schema –Moves AUD$ table to USERMON tablespace (takes care about reasonable size of it) –Creates and schedule daily collector job –Enables CREATE SESSION auditing Registration of DB (USERMON credentials) –Via web 8
Reports access Who :Experiments DBAs & T1 administrators Where : CERN web server for 3D How: –Via web repository interface –Authentication (reuse of accounts for T1) –Limitations (each site can access to own reports only) 9
Reports repository 10