D ANCE By Ava LePage
J UST D ANCE Ever dreamed of dancing in a silky pink leotard on a big stage with hundreds of people watching. Now it can become reality! You can learn how to tell a ponche from and arebesque. A pirouette from a shennae. Read to find out how amazing the art of dance is.
T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Chapter 1-Competitive or Not? Chapter 2-Ballet Chapter 3-Jazz Chapter 4-Tap Chapter 5-Lyrical Chapter 6- Hip Hop Chapter 7- Acro Chapter 8-Contemporary Chapter What to wear to Dance Chapter 13 – Sources Chapter 14- Glossary Chapter 15- Conclusion
C OMPETITIVE OR N OT ? Competitive dance is a wide spread of forms of movement, Such as Acro, Ballet, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Modern Dance, and Tap before a common group of judges. At the end of the competition they will have an award ceremony. They start out with about a 10 minute dance party then call you to sit down as dancers wait for there names to be called for awards. Noncompetitive dance gives you lots more practice time and no stress you perform in front of peers not judges and parents not strangers.
B ALLET Ballet is a performance dance that is the core of dance it is the most important if you are competitive You *must* do ballet. If you skip more than 2-4 ballet classes you will be excused for any competition team. Ballet teaches you turns kicks and proper t echnique. Without ballet there would be no point in taking dance dance because you would not get better at anything.
J AZZ A style of dance that is the most competitive classes you will take. It is very hard and ballet helps you with your technique for jazz. Turns, Kicks, and Tricks are very useful in Jazz. If you take jazz you want to take acro as well. Jazz dances are usually sassy and very fast.
T AP A percussion based movement with shoes that have metal plates on the bottoms to make a tapping” sound. The group dances for tap need to be perfected same sounds at the same time. Tap is a very hard type of dance of dance very competitive right behind jazz.
L YRICAL Lyrical is a mix of ballet and jazz. With soft movements it has more elements of ballet than jazz. Lyrical shoes all cover the balle the foot and that is because turns are a big move in lyrical. Almost all lyrical dances have turns and are slow and light. With soft movements and slow music. It makes it even harder for dancers to compete in lyrical. Focused on musicality and emotion throughout the dance Lyrical is inspirational.
H IP H OP Hip hop is a very sharp competitive dance right in front of jazz Hip Hop dances tend not to have kicks or any turns. Most hip hop dances tend to have an urban theme as well. If you have ever seen a hip hop dance that is sassy, Your studio instructors do not have the right technique.
A CRO Very similar to gymnastics acro has a series of tricks studios barely ever compete in acro but there are some studios that compete in acro. Acro is the art of flexibility and tricks. The point of competing in acro is to impress the judges. Acro helps you with flexibility and tricks that you may do in some other dances.
C ONTEMPORARY Lyrical and Jazz mixed together most studios compete in contemporary. Non advanced studios do not because they do not have the right technique in there instructors. Contemporary is the least competitive of the group because most dance instructors know that contemporary is a hard dance it has a series of emotions. Be sure to use your face.
W HAT ' S IN YOUR DANCE BAG Shoes Foot undeez Tap Shoes Jazz shoes Shoes Ballet shoes ‘Acro shoes Lyrical shoes
W HATS IN YOUR DANCE BAG Ivivva Dance Clothing
D ANCE AWAY ! I hope this book helped you begin to learn the art of dance.
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G LOSSARY Flexibility-being able to bend in different ways Technique- Dancing the right way with the right form. Percussion- A musical based movement. Musicality- being able to feel the music Emotional- Using your face to the feeling of the music. Balle- The bottom part of the instep.