Broadway School Building on the past: building for the future
Dickens Dr. Who The Vision:
What will the ‘learning map’ of the future look like ? [TSE] What building structures will be required to service the ‘learning map’ of the future ? [BSF]
What will the ‘learning map’ of the future look like ? less content driven / new qualifications Every Child Matters and personalised learning: problem solving, thinking skills, study skills, critical awareness... group size varies according to nature of task learning groups may not be same age life long and community education dimension variety of providers specialist centres strategic area collaboration new technologies
What building structures will be required to service the ‘learning map’ of the future ? spaces that are flexible... and ... adaptable specialist areas extended school / community based services individual learning spaces as well as teaching areas VLE – virtual learning environment social / recreational areas
Every Child Matters S H A P E afe ealthy chieve and enjoy ositive contribution conomic well being safety security movement ambience healthy eating drinking water flexible spaces facilities extended schools school in the community 14 – 19 agenda ‘industry standard’ kit recreation fitness access fit for purpose
Personalised Learning “... means assessment, teaching, curriculum and school strategies designed to ensure that the talents of every individual can be fully realised.” “... It is not individualised learning where pupils sit alone at a computer nor is it pupils left to do their own thing.” “... It is not individualised learning where pupils sit alone at a computer nor is it pupils left to do their own thing.” “... It is the practical application of the insight that every child has a talent of some kind or another.” “... It is the practical application of the insight that every child has a talent of some kind or another.”
Personalised Learning... underpinned by the new technologies and e - learning Global [learning] community Internet, intranet, community net Parental and other access Learning tool: any age, anywhere, any ability.. alone or in groups Move from the teaching day to the learning day Learning Platforms Teaching laboratories
Implications for Broadway & our community: more and better facilities means greater expectations to do well – means greater opportunities for higher education and better jobs means greater self discipline and maturity – means greater use of the school as a resource for the community – successful learners – qualified learners independent learners life long learners
Head... aches !! maintaining progress... on a building site re-alignment of the site – creating ergonomic synergy developing shared vision and understanding