Cultivate Health Rod Carter, Pharm.D. Leticia Shea, Pharm.D.
The Neighborhood Location and Description
What is Health? What does health mean to me? How are aspects of health connected? What can I do to promote health?
Visualize Health Spiritual Interprofessional Team Mental Neighborhood based Physical Prevention
Impact of Health Behaviors
Health and Well-being Health Care Healthy Eating Active Living
Enhancing Health in the Built Environment Provide spaces for intergenerational recreation Provide infrastructure to support biking Provide pedestrian oriented landscapes Support on-site gardening /farming Facilitate Social engagement Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Healthy Eating Sister Gardens Permaculture Gardens
Cultivate Health – Infrastructure Improvements Cultivate Health Center ADA/Senior Fitness Zone Adult Fitness Zone Bicycle Racks Intersection Improvements Wayfinding Signage Throughout Cooking Matters Community Garden Connection to Regis Trails Aria Gardens and Production Farm Median on Federal
Community Engagement Strategy Asset Based Community Development Resident-based needs assessment Activities Healthy Living Coordinator WalkDenver Walkability Report Bicycle safety classes Regis Neighborhood Space Academic Interactions
Regis Neighborhood Health Fully integrated with Healthy Living and Healthy Eating Totally interprofessional focus with frontline health providers Nurse practitioners Pharmacists Physical therapists Counselors Focus on empowering individuals to be healthy Health packages
Health Packages Healthy Me, Healthy Weight Jump to a Positive State of Mind Being True to Your Heart Living in Good Health with Diabetes Steps to a Healthy Pregnancy Enjoying a meal again: Overcoming the heartburn dilemma
Regis Neighborhood Health Integrated with Healthy Living and Healthy Eating Totally interprofessional focus with frontline health providers Nurse practitioners Pharmacists Physical therapists Counselors Focus on empowering individuals to be healthy Health packages Designed to be self-sustaining Medicaid/Medicare Private insurance
Regis Neighborhood Health Timeline Aug 2015 Health services for Regis employees Health classes for all Jan 2016 Open to dependents of Regis employees Summer 2016 All neighbors regardless of insurance
Pharmacists in Cultivate Health See every* person in RNH Regis pharmacy student involvement Neighborhood assessments Participate in community projects Intern at RNH Partner with local pharmacies Source of medication* Reinforcement of plan (communication)
Beyond Cultivate Health? Rather than focusing on chronic disease shouldn’t we be promoting chronic health? A blend of primary care and public health? Model for rural communities or other urban neighborhoods? Fit with the Medical Home models?