Growth Enhancing Environments: Human Resources Development 4 One can act through two theoretical approaches: –Classical Organizational or Bureaucratic –Human Resources Development (Organizational Behavior) 4 The latter taps the higher order motivational needs of the people in the school.
School Climate 4 Different schools have distinct personalities due to the particular social system of each school. 4 This social system has a CLIMATE that is the defined as the “characteristics of the total environments in a school building” (Owens, p. 162). 4 Renato Tagiuri’s model identifies four elements that comprise climate.
Research on Climate (Wm. Ouchi): Theory Z 4 Type A (American): Short Term Employment –Type J (Japanese): Lifetime employment Type Z (Modified American): Long-term employment
Research on Climate (Wm. Ouchi): Theory Z 4 Type A: Individual decision making –Type J: Consensual decision making Type Z: Consensual decision making 4 Type A: Specialized career path –Type J: Nonspecialized career path Type Z: Moderately specialized career path
Tom Peters: In Search of Excellence 4 Research showed that successful organizations, including schools, had a consistent theme: –“the power of values and culture in these corporations rather than procedures and control systems, provides the glue that holds them together, stimulates commitment to a common mission, and galvanizes the creativity and energy of their participants.” (Owens, p. 164).
Schein’s Model of Levels of Culture (p. 168) 4 Culture is based on norms, values, and belief systems 4 And this leads to behaviors and artifacts based on these norms, values, and belief systems
Organizational Climate 4 Climate is measured by assessing the perceptions of individuals concerning the aspects of climate: culture, ecology, organization, and milieu. 4 We must remember that schools and districts will have multiple cultures.
Rensis Likert’s Cause and Effect 4 Likert’s analysis led him to conclude that there are causal variables under the control of the principal that affect climate and organization performance : –Organization structure: bureaucratic or flexible –Leadership style: authoritative or democratic –Philosophy of operation: consensus decision making or not
Rensis Likert’s Cause and Effect 4 These choices are critical to determining the nature of the management system in the organization. That is, Likert’s System 1, 2, 3, or 4. 4 System 4 is the only effective System. 4 This is directly related to student achievement level increases.
Climate Studies 4 Various instruments can measure climate, one of the earliest being the OCDQ by Halpin and Croft. 4 The accreditation process requires schools to use climate instruments, and then to develop a plan to improve those areas that are weak.
Likert’s Linking Pin Concept 4 Likert noted that any effective System 4 will need to break into work groups that are: small enough to work and communicate together, and close enough to the problem to make effective, creative decisions. 4 This requires the pyramidal structure depicted on p. 191 in which there is someone linked to groups above and below a group’s place on the organization chart.