New Jersey Monthly High School Rankings A Comparison: Class of and the Class of Glen Ridge Public Schools September 24, 2012
Ranking Criteria County DFG (District Factor Group) Grade 12 Enrollment Average Class Size Student-Faculty Ratio Percentage of Faculty with MA or PhD Average Combined SAT Percentage of Advanced Proficient English Percentage of Advanced Proficient Math Number of AP Courses Offered Percentage of AP Test 3 or Better Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate
Demographics County08/0910/11 Bergen32 Essex22 Hudson11 Monmouth01 Morris23 Somerset22 Union11 DFG08/0910/11 J Districts75 I Districts46 B District11 Grade 12 Enrollment08/0910/11 Average Glen Ridge124122
School Environment Average Class Size08/0910/11 Average Glen Ridge Student-Faculty Ratio08/0910/11 Average Glen Ridge Number of AP Courses Offered08/0910/11 J Districts I Districts Glen Ridge1815 % Faculty with MA/PhD08/0910/11 AverageN/A65% Glen RidgeN/A66.3%
Student Performance Average Combined SAT08/0910/11 J Districts I Districts Glen Ridge % of Advanced ProficientENGLISHMATH 08/0910/1108/0910/11 J Districts30.5%41.8%51.5%54.2% I Districts36.3%41.3%53.3%51.1% Glen Ridge18%40.5%46%53%
Number of AP Courses Offered08/0910/11 J Districts I Districts Glen Ridge1815 % of AP Tests Scoring 3 or Better 08/0910/11 J Districts90%86.4% I Districts90%87.5% Glen Ridge90%94% Student Performance
Student Outcomes Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate10/11 J Districts98% I Districts97% Glen Ridge95% % of Graduates4 Year Colleges 08/09 2 Year Colleges 08/09 J Districts92%6% I Districts90%6% Glen Ridge96%0%