Gossip vs. Gospel The Power of The Tongue! Bible Study Lesson


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Presentation transcript:

Gossip vs. Gospel The Power of The Tongue! Bible Study Lesson July 9, 2009 Deborah B. Williams, Teaching

“The Power of The Tongue!” We have been receiving lessons on the power of the tongue. Tonight, I would like us to examine one area that we as the people of God may need to examine. This is our opportunity to change a bad habit into a good habit and to be aware of what we are hearing from others as well as what we speak to others! Whatcha’ talking about?

Matthew 12:35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

A Biblical Example Numbers 12: 1 And Miriam and Aaron spake… Is this an example of gossip? Why was this conversation ungodly? What were the results of this dialogue? Name other spirits that entered into this Conversation…

Gossip Gossip – One who chatters idly about others; such talk; to take part in or spread gossip Gossipmonger – a gossip Gossipy, gossiper, gossipingly

Gospel Gospel – The life and teachings of Christ contained in the first four books of the New Testament, one of these four books, anything proclaimed or accepted as the absolute truth Gospeller or gospeler – an evangelist, a reader of the gospel in a communion service.

What Are You Talking About… Gossip is idle chatter about others… We know that gossip is not always a lie… Gossip can be truth..such as Miriam and Aaron. Moses did have an Ethiopian wife! So some would ask what is wrong with talking about things that are true! What are the negatives of gossip?

What the Bible Says… Leviticus 19:16 Proverbs 20:19 Proverbs 18:8 Psalm 52:2 Proverbs 25:23 Proverbs 26: 20-22 Psalm 34:13

The Gospel What does the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaim? What are the promises to the saints of God? How can we speak the gospel and not gossip? What are the three most important Spiritual nuggets that helps you keep your tongue? What keeps a saints conversation Holy? The Gospel is builds and does not to tear down it is to edify and not to crucify!!!

Let’s Repent from Gossip and return to spreading the Gospel… Dear Heavenly Father, I come humbly before your throne asking you to forgive the sins of my tongue. Forgive me of gossip and being a talebearer and of idle chatter! I humbly repent and ask you to cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus! Now Father, please take me back to my first love. Take me back to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others! My mouth will show forth your praise! In Jesus Mighty Name I pray. Amen