CS1101: Programming Methodology Aaron Tan
2 This is Week 3 Last week: Java Basics Variables, assignment statements, arithmetic operators, input and output, etc. Object-oriented programming? Not yet! This week: Selection constructs First part of Chapter 4 Control Statements ‘if’, ‘switch’, logical operators
3 It Pays to Explore! IVLE forum I don’t like such questions Can you tell me the output of this program? What is wrong with my program? My friend told me this is the way to do it. Is he correct? I love such questions I’ve tried this program. The result is different from my expectation, which is … I was surprised! But why it doesn’t give me my expected result? I surfed the Internet and found this. I tried but I don’t understand. Can you explain it?
4 Quiz Time… 10 MCQs
5 Exercise #1 Given this code to find the maximum among 3 integer values in variables num1, num2 and num3: // To find the maximum among 3 integer // values in variables num1, num2, num3. int max = 0; if (num1 > num2 && num1 > num3) max = num1; if (num2 > num1 && num2 > num3) max = num2; if (num3 > num1 && num3 > num2) max = num3; Spot the errors
6 Exercise #1 Another version: // To find the maximum among 3 integer // values in variables num1, num2, num3. int max = 0; if (num1 > max) max = num1; else if (num2 > max) max = num2; else if (num3 > max) max = num3; Spot the errors
7 Exercise #2 Download the file IfAndSwitch.java from the Lectures page in the course website: sources/lectures.html sources/lectures.html Correct the errors in the code Change the ‘if’ statements into a ‘switch’ statement.
8 Exercise #3 (Prep for Exercise #4) Given a 7-digit integer, extract the individual digits from the integer. Sample run is shown below Enter a 7-digit number: Digits are: 8,5,0,4,2,1,5 You should use int variables for the 7 digits (digit1, digit2, …) Do not use ‘if’ statement.
9 Exercise #4 Algorithm for NRIC check code NRIC consists of 7 digits. Eg: Step 1: Multiply the digits with corresponding weights 2,7,6,5,4,3,2 and add them up. Eg: 8 2 = = 104 Step 2: Divide step 1 result by 11 to obtain the remainder. Eg: 104 % 11 = 5
10 Exercise #4 Algorithm for NRIC check code (cont…) Step 3: Subtract step 2 result from 11 Eg: 11 – 5 = 6 Step 4: Match step 3 result in this table for the check code Eg: The check code corresponding to 6 is ‘F’. Therefore, the check code for is ‘F’ ABCDEFGHIZJ
This is Week 3 Next week? Repetition statements ‘while’, ‘do while’, ‘for’
12 Reminder Trial Lab Deadline: 27 August (Wednesday), 2359hr.
13 End of file