WRF exercise 1 Kessler μ-physics scheme vs Thompson μ-physics scheme Isaac Hankes Joseph Ching
Difference between Kessler and Thompson schemes Kessler scheme: warm rain- no ice, idealized microphysics, time-split rainfall Thompson scheme: 6-class microphysics with graupel, ice and rain number conc. Predicted (double-moment ice), time-split fall terms Kessler takes about 2.5 hours, Thompson takes about 5+ hours computer time for a 180- mins simulation.
Comparison (2): vorticity tendency There are four terms in the vorticity tendency equation: tilting, divergence, solenoid and advection terms. Comparison is made among schemes, time, and height level.
Max. Vorticity Time Series (s -1 ) Thompson Kessler
3-D Max Vorticity Time Series Thompson Kessler
Vorticity Tendency Terms Kessler Thompson
Max Vorticity by Level Thompson Kessler
Vorticity Tendency: 1km (90min) **Kessler on left, Thompson on right for all contour plots**
Vorticity Tendency: 2km (90min)
Vorticity Tendency: 5km (90min)
Vorticity Tendency: 10km (150min)
Vorticity TendencyAll Terms: 2km (30min)
Conclusions Max vorticity peaks earlier in Kessler Max vorticity generally higher vertically in Thompson Advective term dominates for both, strongest at 10km Right cell much more dominant in Thompson (more realistic) Kessler storms move faster