Phase 3. Programming for results Defining the results matrix number of results level of details Resources Setting up M&E mechanism Principles modality calendar actors Relevance Feasibility Sustainability
CPF results matrix CPF Results Hierarchy – definitions 1 CPF resultDefinitionRemarks: IMPACT (Contribute) Contribution that FAO is expected to make towards national priorities – long terms development changes Derived from Gvt priorities/objectives OUTCOME 3-5 outcomes (Attribute) Measurable uptake and use of FAOs outputs (products and services) within the CPF time frame. Challenge: Find ONE indicator to measure change and contribute to higher level indicators OUTPUTS 3 outputs = 1 outcome (Deliver) Significant and measurable result/ deliverable of FAOs activities in the country
Results chain – country examples Establishment of Land Information Service Strengthened national capacity to generate land use data Land distribution and management practices improved Sustainable management of natural resources Activities, Projects CPF outputs CPF outcome CPF impact SMART
SMART RESULTS Specific in terms of the nature and scope of achievements and changes sought, the target groups and geographical area etc.; Measurable: measurable quantitatively and/or qualitatively; data will be available when needed within the time period Achievable and time-bound in CPF period with the resources available Relevant to national priorities and FAO’s mandate; substantial, necessary and sufficient
Results matrix and resource mobilization CPF results matrix will help you: Define the outcomes and outputs you aim to engage resource partners on – who may fund a % of the CPF, or wish to see a project packaged around a particular CPF outcome The RM target will become clearer – make sure it is realistic!
Ref to CPF guide to see the templates
M&E and Reporting – principles Principles Harmonization with the country and UNDAF M&E system to the extent possible Integration with the FAO corporate monitoring system through the Strategic Framework results chain and Integration with the FAO project cycle 8
Strategic Planning in the UNDAF WHAT’S NEW? Simplified results matrix that integrates the M&E framework Two options of the UNDAF Matrix Option to include UNDAF Action Plan, with Common Budgetary Framework Option to finance “funding gap” with One UN Fund
Results Matrix – first option
Results Matrix – second option
1.Signature page 2.Partnership, values and principles 3.Implementation strategies 4.Management and Accountability Arrangements 5.Resources and RMS 6.Communication 7.M&E 8.Commitments of the Government 9.Other provisions 10.UNDAF Action Plan Matrix WHAT IS AN UNDAF ACTION PLAN? With second option, UNDAF Action Plan can be prepared.....
The UNDAF Action Plan includes the Common Budgetary Framework and can include One UN Fund COMMON BUDGETARY FRAMEWORK ONE FUND This has implications for FAO’s Resource Mobilization strategy/action plan!
1 Ensure logical link between CPF and UNDAF results: CPF impact coincides with UNDAF outcomes CPF outcomes contribute to UNDAF outputs CPF outputs are incorporated as activities in UNDAF action plan Apply flexibly, ONE size may not fit all situations Linkages between CPF and UNDAF results chain
Group exercise – Review the results matrix of a real case Working group instructions Task 1: Review the extract of the Ethiopia results matrix taking into consideration the following...
Tips for Group exercise: Quality Assurance criteria Relevance Alignment and strategic fit (Gvt, UNDAF, FAO SF/ORs/RRs) Comparative advantages and partnership Feasibility Are the proposed Outcomes achievable and measurable Are the proposed Outputs valid and logically linked, contributing to CPF outcomes Sustainability Are the intended Outcomes sustainable (financially, capacities, etc) Are the risks identified, and mitigation strategies put in place 1
Business rules Quality assurance (handout) Roles and responsibility (pg 50) Reporting schedule
Quality Assurance – when and who 19 CPF formulation process QA at entry Actors: CPF focal point – at closest DO level QA Review at exit – Actors: CPF focal point at RO level ADG/RR certification Governme nt approval Self-assessment along the process Review by the Government, other national stakeholders and resource partners CPF endorsement process I draft - Strategic II draft - Final Draft Concept note CPF Quality Assurance and Support Process Final CPF draft QA during formulation process Actors: Technical officers at SRO/RO/HQs level CPF focal points at SRO/RO/HQs
M&E and Reporting Plan 20 Evaluation/review modality FocusImplicationsReporting modality CPF annual review Overall progress towards CPF results Period adjustments corrections/ rescheduling/delaying/cance lling outputs Annual FAORep Report* – (1 page max) CWP midterm/ end of biennium report Mid-term review An in-depth review of the CPF document - the context and the progress towards the results. Revisions that may change the scope i.e. outcomesCPF Mid-term progress report (3 -5 pages) Final Self- Assessment The relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of FAO’s support to the country. The findings may provide basic information on the assessment of the role of FAO in the country and on lessons learnt, which will guide the formulation of a new CPF. CPF Final “Completion” report (5-10 pages max)