Areas of Conflict & Hot Spots in the World


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Presentation transcript:

Areas of Conflict & Hot Spots in the World Patten & Valdner Global History II Mepham High School

Terrorism Terrorism is violence against civilians to achieve political or ideological objectives by creating fear. Those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. Acts of unlawful violence and war.

Terrorism Tactics include: Terrorism last 10 years: Hijacking Bombing Kidnapping Assassination Terrorism last 10 years: Al Qaeda’s attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (2001) Conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Israel

Northern Ireland Dispute between Fighting over territory Irish Catholics (Southern Ireland) British Protestants (Northern Ireland) Fighting over territory Terrorist organization IRA (Irish Republic Army) Ulster Unionists

India Kashmir India (Hindu majority) & Pakistan (Muslim majority) - both want to control Kashmir Both have nuclear weapons Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan Both want control

India Punja Sikh blends Islam and Hinduism. Majority Sikh many want independence from India

China Taiwan After the communists beat nationalist Jiang Jishi ran to Taiwan and claimed they were the real China China still wants to control Taiwan

China Tibet Buddhists of Tibet were attacked by the Chinese. Many fled Those who stayed are persecuted

China Human rights violations by the Chinese government Overpopulation One-child policy Female abortion & infanticide

Chechnya Region of southern Russia that has used terrorism for example holding students captive in a school hoping to gain their independence

Rwanda - 1994 Civil War errupted between Hutu and Tutsi, based on ethnic rivalry caused by European Imperialism The Hutus used machettes to massacre the Tutsi More than 500,000 died in 100 days The United Nations did nothing

Isreal Palestinians and Israelis both claim the same land because they both call it the Holy Land (Jerusalem) Palestinians were led by Yasir Arafat The PLO is a terrorist group that attack Israel (Intifada)

Sri Lanka Differences between Buddhist majority and Hindus A nationalists group The Tamil Tigers want self-determination The use terrorism to achieve goals Recent peace talks

Afghanistan Afghan forces had resisted communist rule for 10 years against the Soviets Strict Muslim State Tension between U.S. over Taliban government protecting al Qaeda terrorists