How the Multilateral Development Banks are adapting to the needs of MICs: The views of the clients Ali Mansoor, Financial Secretary, Mauritius March 2008, Cairo
Instruments broadly OK ◦ Analytical and Advisory Assistance (AAA) ◦ Technical Assistance (TA) ◦ Budget Support ◦ Project Financing ◦ Guarantees ◦ Private Sector Support ◦ SME Support ◦ Special Initiatives/Global Public Goods 24 October 20152
Use of Country Systems well underway (Procurement and Safeguards) Cost of Funds reasonable except for special programmes, global public goods & periods of stress/external shocks Paris Declaration Process and Annual Business Plan 24 October 20153
Knowledge institutions with good sharing of international experience International comparators e.g. Doing Business to situate challenges Honest Broker over policy differences and peer review role 24 October 20154
Insufficient administrative budget for AAA, Capacity Building and TA ◦ Need a global approach to link lending to Administrative Resources ◦ Link administrative resources to impact e.g. use of Country Performance & Institutional Assessment (CPIA)? Stronger Peer Review Role to upgrade quality of work by government staff and consultants More innovative instruments for infrastructure including PPP and regional projects Concessional financing for project preparation (expand ADB MIC facility), special programmes, global public goods and exceptional circumstances (e.g. large external shocks) 24 October 20155
Stronger emphasis on competitiveness agenda, integration into the global market; and opening up: ◦ Link to important events and issues such as Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), Japan TICAD IV, US Congress Duty Free Quota Free initiative ◦ Mobilise additional and predictable resources under Aid for Trade Stronger Country Presence including field office Bolder push on POLICY REFORM side of Regional Integration and link to national development agenda Improve internal coordination and coordination with development partners (e.g. Annual Business Plan) 24 October 20156
Promote peer learning ◦ Twinning of Ministries ◦ Exchange Programmes for staff ◦ Multi-Disciplinary Centre of Excellence Accelerate Progress on Country Systems Better communication over products and services 24 October 20157
How to produce more of it and how to pay for it? ◦ Incentives in public sector dictate against fee for service ◦ Annual membership fee to be rebated against borrowing ◦ Expand ADB MIC grant for project preparation and pay back through borrowing (but make link global and not with a one to one link) 24 October 20158
Stronger coordination via Annual Business Plan Feed Annual Business Plan into a Budget Embedded in a Medium Term Expenditure Framework--Role played by Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in low income countries Strengthen Programme Based Budget to focus on outputs and outcomes via monitorable indicators 24 October 20159
Focus on special situations and expand ADB MIC grant approach ◦ Response to large external shocks ◦ Global Public Goods Renewable Energy; Sustainable Development/Environmental Protection; Disaster management/prevention; HIV/AIDS; Communicable Diseases especially Malaria ◦ Project Preparation ◦ Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 24 October