IPSC - Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen Ispra - Italy Joint Research Centre (JRC) CHALLENGES IN ASSEMBLING FISHERIES DATA 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May Anna Cheilari
2 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Background Commission Regulation (EC) No. 665/2008 establishes the Data Collection Framework (DCF), a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector and support for scientific advice regarding the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). This regulation succeeds the old DCR Under this regulation the European Commission requires Member States to collect data on Biological and Economic aspects of many European fisheries and related fisheries sectors
3 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Background DG MARE - JRC Administrative arrangement SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DATA COLLECTION FRAMEWORK (DCF) Maintaining and developing the dedicated DCF web- site Supporting demands of data launched by DG MARE Developing quality assurance aspects of the data submitted by Member States
4 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Background YearEconomicDiscardBiologicalFishing Effort * *21 * One call is for the EU fishing fleet, the other for the EU processing sector Data calls
5 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Official letters Framework
6 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Upload facilities Access is restricted to Member States Login Password Framework
7 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Framework Data base The uploaded national data is stored in a Postgres database The database allows for data processing in SQL To support non-experienced users a number of queries (data tables) are produced By distributing user names and passwords these could be downloaded by our collaborators in DG MARE in an easy manner
8 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Use of data Framework JRC collects and maintains fisheries management data transmitted by EU MS The resulting datasets are assessed by teams of independent experts participating in working groups convened by STECF The resulting scientific advice is used to inform the CFP decision making process
9 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Reports Framework
10 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Economic data collection Parameters for fleet economic data calls: Capacity: Number of vessels, number of enterprises, length, GT, kW, age. Employment: Engaged crew, FTEs Effort: Days at sea, energy consumption Landings: Value, volume, price Other income: Income from fishing rights, direct subsidies, non fishing income Expenditure: Crew wages, energy costs, repairs, variable & non-variable costs, rental of fishing rights, depreciation Capital and Investments: Vessel value, fishing rights value, in-year investments, financial position
11 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Economic data collection Segmentation for fleet economic data calls: Fishing gears: Beam trawl, demersal trawl, pelagic trawl, dredgers, purse seiners, pots and traps, gears using hooks, drift and fixed nets etc Length categories: 0-10m, 10m-12m, 12m-18m, 18m-24m, 24m-40m, over 40m (0-6m and 6-12m in Mediterranean and Black seas) Supra regions: 1. Baltic Sea, North Sea, Eastern Arctic, North Atlantic. 2. Mediterranean and Black Seas. 3. Other fishing regions
12 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Fishing effort data collection STECF “EFFORT DATA” Data base Since 2003 DG MARE calls: - fleet specific catch data including discards - fleet specific nominal effort data - spatial fleet specific effective effort data The data have not been called through the European DCR/DCF (JRC) as the aggregation level is inconsistent with official regulations Data were called to be delivered to DG Mare directly and Mr. Raetz personally
13 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Fishing effort data collection STECF “EFFORT DATA” Data base - fleet specific catch data including discards: Landings, discards and biological data (160 parameters, age composition, mean length and weight at age) by species, by year ( ), by quarter area (all ICES divisions, no Black and Mediterranean Seas), by gear, by mesh size (where applicable), by fishery and special management condition (where applicable), 630,000 records - fleet specific nominal effort data: kW*days at sea, GT*days at sea and number of vessel by year ( ), by quarter area (all ICES divisions, no Black and Mediterranean Seas), by gear, by mesh size (where applicable), by fishery and special management condition (where applicable), 80,000 records - spatial fleet specific effective effort data: fished hours by statistical rectangle (30*30 nm), by year ( ), by quarter area (all ICES divisions, no Black and Mediterranean Seas), by gear, by mesh size (where applicable), by fishery and special management condition (where applicable), 220,000 records
14 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Mediterranean Data dase European Community is expected to establish long- term management plans (LTMP) for relevant Mediterranean demersal and small pelagic fisheries and stocks Stocks and fisheries in the Mediterranean are evaluated both at national and GFCM level; these evaluations are often not recurring, are spatially restricted Commission has given mandate to STECF to adopt an operational work-programme with a view to update the status of the main stocks and evaluate the exploitation levels
15 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Data i) Fisheries data ( ) Biological (landings, length & age distribution, maturity data by age and length, sex ratio by age and length, discards & discards length distribution) Effort (days, KW days, GT days) ii) Survey data Demersal species (MEDITS) ( ) Small pelagic species (hydroacoustic) ( ) iii) Economic data (capacity, employment, income, expenditure, capital and investment, effort and landings) ( mandatory, 2009 if available)
16 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Species: European hake Red mullet Striped red mullet Picarel Deep-sea rose shrimp Red shrimp Giant red shrimp Norway lobster Anchovy Sardine + additional species 7 countries Area GFCM GSAs
17 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Table 1: Biological and transversal variables ( ) and data from surveys ( ) requested
18 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Table 2: Economic and transversal variables ( ) requested
19 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Outcome Data are used by the experts of the SGMED working group for the assessment of the Mediterranean stocks during the various meetings since 2008 SGMED in 2009 updated the status of 59 stocks, for 18 stocks scientific advice was provided and gave recommendations regarding fisheries management reference points for some species
20 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data collection Problems Late delivery of the data call and the datasets JRC was not able to properly check the contents and the quality of the data provided Member states did not strictly follow the instructions, increase demand for uploading support by the JRC team Until 2009 data were stored locally in the SGMED ftp server, in Microsoft access. No automatisms for the first quality check of the uploaded data
21 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Regulations Quality
22 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data call Results… Some national data deliveries hardly met minimum standards requested in the data call regarding deadlines, inconsistent codification and units of data
23 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Mediterranean data call Overview of the current data upload (deadline: 22/05)
24 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Discussion Challenges JRC serves 4 different categories of data calls Data calls and variables can change from year to year Since 2010, DCF is implemented Huge amount of data (i.e., survey data for ≈16000 hauls, ≈ records of length) For the first time, possibility for JRC to keep the data, no obligation for deletion after 20 days
25 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Discussion How MS hold data According to the regulations Member states shall ensure that primary data collected under national programmes are safely stored in computerised databases (i.e. Greek db more than 100 different tables, > records) No regional databases exist No common software platform No common codifications Experts come to the meetings with their own data
26 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Discussion What users think of the process The reply is country specific We are trying to create a baseline, datasets with common codifications, aggregation levels for analysis and comparisons Quality remains an issue Experts come to the meetings with their own data When experts are involved of the collection and submission of data the quality of data is improved It can be frustrating!!!
27 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 Discussion Improvements Regarding the biological data, implementation of strict rules regarding the upload and codification of data Implementation of automatisms for the first quality check of the uploaded data No acceptance of data through other means (i.e. s)
28 9 th Meeting of Marine Observation and Data Expert Group, Copenhagen, 26 May 2010 We hope we are moving to the right direction Thank you for your attention