MHA LHIN DRAFT Annual Business Plan initiatives
Targeted ED Diversion: Evaluate and enhance Walk-in Counseling Immigrant & rural communities Enhance the regionalized system of Dual Diagnosis Services Continue to enhance a Transitional Aged Youth system of care Targeted ED Diversion: Establish new MH&A services within new “Housing First” settings. Stigma Stories? Implement and monitor Ontario Perception of Care Tool Enhance workforce competencies in concurrent disorders Implement and monitor new components of the competency model Improve coordination of in-patient mental health services across hospitals in Champlain Enhance capacity of MH&A system to address tobacco addiction MHA LHIN DRAFT Annual Business Plan initiatives
Implement and monitor Ontario Perception of Care Tool MHA LHIN DRAFT Annual Business Plan initiatives
OPOC Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Not applicable Therapists/Support Workers/Staff 17. I found staff knowledgeable and competent. Environment 22. Overall, I found the facility welcoming, inclusive, and comfortable (e.g., entrance, waiting room, décor, posters, your room if applicable). Discharge/Leaving the Program 27. Staff helped me develop a plan for when I leave the program. Recovery/Outcome 30. The services I have received have helped me better understand my personal strengths and challenges. Service Quality 32. I think the services provided here are high quality.
Strongly Agree DisagreeStrongly Disagree Not applicable 34. There were enough activities of interest to me during free time. 35. Rules or guidelines concerning contact by my family and friends were appropriate to my needs. 36. The layout of the facility was suitable for visits by my family and friends (e.g., privacy, comfort level). 37. The area in and around my room was quiet at night. 38. The quality of the food met my needs. 39. My special dietary needs were met (e.g., diabetic, halal, vegetarian, kosher). OPOC Residential
Section B Please complete if you are a family member/significant other/supporter of a person with mental health, substance use, and/or gambling-related problems but you are NOT a registered client Please note: If you are family member/significant other/supporter, please respond to these questions based on the services you have received rather than on the services your family member or friend has received. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. Strongly Agree DisagreeStrongly Disagree Not applicable Access/Entry to Services 4. I received enough information about the programs and services available to me. Services Provided 5. Responses to my crises or urgent needs were provided when needed. Participation/Rights 7. I understand how to make a formal complaint to this organization. Therapists/Support Workers/Staff 8. I found staff knowledgeable and competent. Environment 14. I was given private space when discussing personal issues with staff. Service Quality 18. If a friend were in need of similar help I would recommend this service.
The “Ontario perception of Care” (OPOC) is an evidence based client feedback and satisfaction tool developed for addictions and mental health agencies in Ontario. Implementation of the tool across addictions and mental health agencies will: Provide a significant opportunity for client involvement in guiding changes to care Create a common language amongst agencies about strengths and weaknesses of care Identify ways to improve care that meets client’s needs and expectations and ways to improve care Operationalize client centeredness and ultimately improve the quality of care
Dialogue 1.What are some of the ways the project initiation submission can be improved? 2.If the project is supported, are there ways for AMHN to be involved in project implementation? 3.Is there a consensus at AMHN regarding the value of the project?