Start your projects on the 5pillars of Islam. For next lesson you need to have completed and brought in the information you have researched about the 1 st pillar to show me.
write a statement about the most important belief that you think sums up your whole life For example: Happiness is everything. Treat others how you wish to be treated. Jesus is my saviour (Think about: why is it the most important belief of yours? How do you show that you live by this at all times?)
Today you are going to learn : AT1 – to learn what the Shahadah is. (Learning aim 1) AT2 – to learn what submission means for a Muslim. (Learning aim 2)
Key words Submission – means to be obedient. Declaration – to announce something. Islam – means submission (obedience) Muslim – means someone who submits (someone who is obedient) to God.
By the end of the lesson: All of you will understand what it means to be part of a community. Most of you will be able to understand that Muslims have duties which they call pillars and what those 5 pillars are. Some of you will be able to explain the significance and importance of the Shahadah in a Muslim’s life.
What does the word community mean?? It means - a group of people who live together, work together, or have the same interests and hobbies, and do things together. You all belong to a community – Woking high school community.
Some communities do certain things together to keep the community together, and to give everyone a sense of being in that community. What do you all do together, to create a sense of community in the school? (assemblies, uniform, lunch together, same timetable etc.)
You will be split into groups. Discuss in your groups what you could do to make a strong feeling of community with the other group once you have joined together?
People of different religions do certain things to create a strong sense of community, even though they may have never met, and live in different places around the world.
Muslims have five duties which are called the Five Pillars of Islam. Every Muslim tries to carry out these five pillars, and it helps them to feel that they are members of the worldwide Muslim community.
The Five Pillars of Islam are the most important Muslim practices. Just like real pillars of a building are there to support the building - the pillars of Islam are there to support the faith of Islam. The 5 pillars helps Muslims to show their obedience to God.
Some of the pillars must be performed every day, some once a year and one must be completed only once in their lifetime. The five pillars are: 1.Shahadah –Declaration of faith 2.Salat – Daily 5 prayers 3.Zakat – yearly tax (like charity) 4.Sawm – yearly - To fast in the month of Ramadan 5.Hajj – The pilgrimage to Makkah – to be done once in a Muslims lifetime.
How do YOU show obedience to your parents? To your school? To your teacher? How do you think obedience/submission shown to God (Allah) when a Muslim does any of the 5 pillars??
The Shahadah is the first Pillar of Islam. Shahadah is the Declaration of Faith. So basically its TO SAY that one believes In Allah and his final Prophet. It is something that every person must believe in TO BE A Muslim. It is the most important pillar of all pillars.
Muslims believe you cannot be a Muslim if you don’t say and believe in the Shahadah. It is not enough to just say they believe – they MUST ACT on what they believe. So the Shahadah is the foundation of the religion. This allows Muslims to practise the other pillars. By doing the other pillars – this shows obedience to God.
Work on your worksheets If you have completed your worksheets (including the extension task) start to think about what kind of duties YOU have to do on a daily basis, or once a month or once a year. What are those duties? Which ones do you find difficult?
By sincerely uttering the Shahadah the Muslim accepts Allah as the one and only Creator of all, and the Supreme Authority over everything and everyone in the universe. Therefore a Muslim closes his/her heart and mind to loyalty, devotion and obedience to, trust in, dependence on, and worship of anything or anyone other than Allah.
Why do you think the Shahadah is the first and most important pillar of Islam? Discuss with the person next to you your opinion with reason. Be ready to feedback to class.
The Shahadah in Arabic : ‘There is no God But God and Muhammad is his messenger.’ What does it mean when it says – there is no God but God?
Did we reach today's objectives? Do you understand what it means to be part of a community? Do you understand that Muslims have duties which they call pillars and what those 5 pillars are? Can you explain the importance of the Shahadah in a Muslim’s life? Use your planners! Green = yes Orange = nearly there Red = stop. I don’t understand.
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