11 March 2013 Tim Oakley, GCOS Implementation Manager WIGOS TT Metadata Global Climate Observing System.


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Presentation transcript:

11 March 2013 Tim Oakley, GCOS Implementation Manager WIGOS TT Metadata Global Climate Observing System

GCOS supports the “Global Framework for Climate Services” Application Adaptation Mitigation Climate Services Information System (CSIS) UNFCCC IPCC User Interface Platform (UIP) WCRP Research Modelling and Prediction (RMP) WIGOS GOOS GOS GAW GTOS GCOS GCOS comprises the climate relevant components of existiting observing systems. GCOS ensures the sustained provision of reliable physical, chemical and biological observations and data records, across all domains, incl. hydrological and carbon cycles and the cryosphere. Energy Food Water

GCOS USERS Observ er Scientist Manager Politician Press Sponso rs Secretariat Different requirements for Metadata Focus on core

WMO Motivation (1/2) Climate data are collected to allow for the best possible reconstruction of the state of the atmosphere / climate system across time and space and scales (basically from micro to global) in order to provide meteorological / climate information and services [including answers to questions like: How was the weather on 26 April 1986 when the Chernobyl reactor exploded? Why is the world temperature record in El Azizia (Libya) of 13 Sept invalid?]. Therefore, observational Metadata should provide as much additional information as needed to optimally interpret observed meteorological / climate-related data in support to the above mentioned concept.

WMO Motivation (2/2) In the context of assessing climate change and climate extremes, Metadata is crucial for attributing observed changes in the time series during the analysis. It allows to isolate artificial signals and shifts from the physical behaviour of the climate system. These artificial signals might be due to observation errors, the relocation of stations, changing observation procedures and technology, etc.. Climate services requires information on the conditions in which data were recorded and processed (QC). Metadata is therefore also important for Climate Services (GFCS requirements)

WMO Metadata requirements for climate Principles from a climate perspective: (i) Metadata should be managed in a way that allows for reflecting and retrieving all changes in the history of the observation/ instrument/ station/ network, such as siting, instrumentation, times of observations etc., but also establishment of station, commencement of observations, interruptions of operation, closure of station including one-to-one ID attribution (no use of same ID for different station through history); (ii) Metadata should allow for re-calculation of processed data. Metadata should be accessible and exchangeable equally conveniently as the meteorological/climatological data itself

WMO Metadata requirements for climate (examples 1) Station identifier(s) incl. index number and name Contact information (name, mailing address, address, phone numbers) Station actors (owner, manager, observers incl. their level of experience/qualification etc.) Station type (fixed land, fixed sea, mobile land etc.) Location (exact geographical location incl. elevation) Roughness, topography of station and environment, land use Photography, site plan and skyline diagram of station and environment Type(s) of soil incl. physical constants and profile of soil Type(s) of vegetation Observation programme (elements measured, reference time, times at which observations and measurements are made and reported, datum level to which atmospheric pressure data of the station refer) Inspection reports

WMO Metadata requirements for climate (examples 2) Instruments (detailed instrument descriptions incl. manufacturer, model, serial number, date of installation ) Instrument and instrument maintenance status (active, out of service, under repair; maint. frequency, calibration results etc.) Siting and exposure of instrument incl. photos Description of parameters measured by the instrument incl. unit, range, resolution, format, frequency, accuracy, method, algorithm, time constant, output averaging time etc. Principle of operation, method of measurement and observation, type of detection system, performance characteristics Data acquisition incl. sampling interval, averaging interval Correction procedures and calibration information Type of AWS incl. manufacturer, model, serial number

WMO Metadata requirements for climate (examples 3) Measuring/observing programme of elements (times of observation, reporting frequency, data output Data processing method and intervalls Procedures, algorithms, calculation methods, constants, reported resolution Data handling: Quality Control procedures and algorithms incl. corrections by the observer Definition of QC-flags Storage procedures Method of transmission, data format, transmission time and frequency ? Station network Metadata, such as mission, operator, principles…??

Thank you for your attention