SOME VIEWS ON THE FINANCIAL ARCHITECTURE IN EURASIA Oleg M. Preksin Vice President of the Association of Russian Banks Inter-regional Banking Cooperation for a Solid Financial Future ABA-EBF Conference - Baku, 27 May 2010
ASSOCIATION OF RUSSIAN BANKS (ARB) ON THE NATIONAL SCENE AND ACROSS THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT About 700 members across the country covering more then 90% of daily banking activities Active and efficient dialog with all the branches of power in Russia while defending the interests of banking community and securing economic growth Cooperation with more then 30 national and international associations and other similar institutions around the world Direct involvement in the global dialogue on international financial reform
OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL & BUSINESS SITUATION: Financial Crisis Dynamics: From “sub-prime” mortgage credits to core business activities From banks to most industries From one country to others From sub-sovereign risks to sovereign guaranties test Is There Another “Big Blast” Ahead?
POST SOVIET SPACE FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT & OTHER EURASIA Disintegration of the Post Soviet Space and its Consequences Independent development: results vary substantially Controversial trends still predominate What are the options in Eurasia? Inter-regional Banking Cooperation across the former-Soviet Union Banking in Western Europe Eastern Dimension for Banking Business
NEW FINANCIAL ORDER: GLOBAL, LOCAL OR REGIONAL REGULATIONS? Job for Standard Setters: Principles or Prescriptions? Will the National Regulators Have a Space for Flexibility? Is G20 the Best Option or there may be Alternatives? Joining Forces For for Solid Financial Future – just a Dream or the Foreseeable Scenario?