DOCUMENTARY PHOTOGRAPHY -a popular form of photography used to chronicle significant and historical events. It is typically covered in professional photojournalism, or real life reportage, but it may also be an amateur, artistic, or academic pursuit.professional photojournalismamateur The photographer attempts to produce truthful, objective, and usually candid photography of a particular subject, most often pictures of people.candid photography
STREET PHOTOGRAPHY -a non-formalized genre of photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets to capture life and the culture of these spaces. …to show a pure vision of a situation, as if holding up a mirror to society.
VIDEOS New York Times “One in 8 Million” YouTube “Vivian Maier, Street Photographer and Nanny” DOnBfDUI DOnBfDUI
ONLINE EXAMPLES Documentary Photography- A Day in Our Life by B.D. Colen Street Photography photography/
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT 20 daily assignment points DUE MONDAY STREET PHOTOGRAPH 1.) Use a cellphone camera or basic camera on BW mode (app) 2.) Shoot in-town/city photographs using photography compositional techniques 3.) Upload next class. Edit. Convert to BW? 4.) Submit ONE best photo. Show and tell, time permitting.